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  1. Looking at your website, it appears to managed to get it working. Could you please share how you managed it? Thanks!
  2. Hey Ither. Did you manage to integrate the path onto the live map? I've got it working through the /trackflight as it should, but can't get it to show on the live map. Cheers!
  3. Quick question with the fltbook system. Is there a way to make charter bookings made through smartCARS appear in the bids page? The bid appears in smartCARS and shows in the general bids page in the admin panel, but not through the fltbook system. Cheers!
  4. Hi there, Does anyone know how I can ensure that all flight times in my schedule search show two decimal places? So currently anything other than a whole hour show as I'd like, but if the flight (in example is 2) is an hour long, how do I get the ".00" afterwards? Cheers
  5. Update: I didn't have the top line correct and was receiving errors from my error_log all along. However, with that now fixed, I get the following error where the call function is placed: Fatal error: Class 'StatsData' not found in /home/mydomain/public_html/v1/test.php on line 209
  6. I seem to have ran into a problem using this method. I've included the code on top, and I can confirm it works as I've managed to iFrame the live map. However, when attempting to call the phpVMS functions, any content below that line disappears and the stats don't show. It's probably something small that I'm missing. Any ideas? Thanks
  7. Awesome, thanks for this! Working well for me so far. I do have a question that I hope someone can help me with. I've very new to the coding/programming world so this is a great place to start and learn. How do I increase spacing between the "Flight No.", "Departure", etc. columns here? http://prntscr.com/ggncvz Can this be done in the schedule_briefing.php or is it do with the skin style? Cheers. Edit** I've got it! Thanks anyway
  8. Hi everyone! Closed.
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