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Everything posted by ercio

  1. ercio


    Good question , how??
  2. I gess no one has ivao or vatsim as obligatory on his register form ,
  3. Hi, I add Ivao ID to my register using ADMIN panel custom field, but how do I make it a must? because pilots have been registered without it. thank you.
  4. ercio

    Ocean Blue v2

    MANU .I belive you install the tpl version . try the php version! WEB thaks but some how still same error , I will keep like this ,not big deal
  5. ercio

    Ocean Blue v2

    sorry my server is PHP Version 5.3 just checked changed to 5.5 and got errors I have to reinstall the skinn
  6. ercio

    Ocean Blue v2

    Thaksfor trying. but I am on 5.4, how do I change it to 5.5?
  7. ercio

    Ocean Blue v2

    deleting it didn't work . but crystal works!
  8. how do I call it on my page?
  9. ercio

    Ocean Blue v2

  10. ercio

    Ocean Blue v2

    after you join ! it should appear .... you will get an email when you application is approved or something like that. register your self to my VA and you will see it
  11. ercio

    Ocean Blue v2

  12. well I get this error after submit a new register. even dough with this error the pilot is registered !! I am on paid sever and using .TPL . ocean blue v2 skin , I now is a .PHP but I managed to change to .TPL
  13. ercio

    Ocean Blue v2

    help , I change it to .tpl !!! all working fine but the registration , once I click submit the registration I got this error RanksData.class.php on line 236. even dough as am I see the pilot is registered. really great skin thank you
  14. ercio

    vStaff - v1.0

  15. thank you!
  16. what is the code to add the pilot ID on confirmation registration email?
  17. thanks its worked !! I just have to upgrade to business acc . Caalair, thanks i will modify it to some new buttons showed on the link your provided .
  18. thanks I will try now!
  19. how do I add a paypall to my skinn ? the sameone phpvms has on home page?
  20. same to my VA!
  21. thumbs up!!! thank you
  22. Parkho I am trying to display a image. I didn't work .
  23. I miss something in here <div class="item"<"http://i.imgur.com/xzede851.jpg"></div>
  24. Hi , I am Ercio Furquim ,CEO Virtual Varig and was looking for alliance in order to do events on IVAO. what I was thinking is something like picking a day 2 airports and we fly on opposite directions . Or if your guys have other ideas I am open to listen .Lets share the sky !! ceo@virtualvarig.com www.virtualvarig.com
  25. ercio

    vStaff - v1.0

    I need help to align my view it is all to close to each other www.virtualvarig.com/index.php/vStaff I need more horizontal <--------> between the categories my email is together with the title al confusing . and the name is white so i can see only when I highlight it
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