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  1. this is from the all pilots page after clicking on save changes Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /hermes/bosnaweb15a/b82/ipg.rtpianogcom1/ich/admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php on line 135 and this is from user groups when I click on edit https://www.dropbox.com/s/lj4mliz277p9x3z/error1 pic.jpg?dl=0 I already had this one going will go over to github next
  2. I'm getting this error when I edit a pilot on the admin side /hermes/bosnaweb15a/b82/ipg.rtpianogcom1/ich/admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php on line 135 When I try to edit a pilot group I get the module Pilotadmin doesn't exist I also can't seem to edit the text in the navbar Rick
  3. Perfect Thank You Rick
  4. Yup I'm us'in it lol I can't seem to find a copy of the new version Phpvms 7 that will instill on my server correctly, and I ran across a version of 5.5.2 that was upgraded for php7.2. It installed perfectly, and runs like a dream Except the map.....I'm not going to give Google my credit card info so it's going away..... This module bolted right in After much Google'in, and a lot of trial and error this is what I ended up with I changed line 17 in fleetdataclass.php from this.....$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'aircraft WHERE `enabled` = 1'; To this.....$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `phpvms_aircraft` ORDER BY `phpvms_aircraft`.`icao` ASC'; I'm getting these errors on the view page Deprecated: Non-static method FleetData::getAircraftTotals() should not be called statically in /hermes/bosnaweb15a/b82/ipg.rtpianogcom1/ich/core/modules/Fleet/Fleet.php on line 36 Deprecated: Non-static method FleetData::get5MostRecentFlights() should not be called statically in /hermes/bosnaweb15a/b82/ipg.rtpianogcom1/ich/core/modules/Fleet/Fleet.php on line 37 Deprecated: Non-static method FleetData::getAllScheduledFlights() should not be called statically in /hermes/bosnaweb15a/b82/ipg.rtpianogcom1/ich/core/modules/Fleet/Fleet.php on line 38 I was thinking of just removing the three lines they seem restively unimportant Check it out if you like http://www.ich.flyvfrwpr.com/ich/index.php Other than that it runs perfectly Thanks Rick
  5. Ok I thought I totally screwed it up Whew I also gave Mr.1 a new name
  6. yes now I have a disappearing act, the 2 text boxes in the log in the area at the top of the page just went away.....all on their own.....lol
  7. Because I wasn't paying attention to the version DOH!!! I'll change that
  8. Yes I got both of them Did you get the acceptance email for both You should have gotten a notice of an internal email from bot of them as well I don't see anything in the server logs I don't believe I have error logging turned on, but it seems to be working fine except I can't create another account I just tried again, and it just reloaded the page.....could it be my browser cache I have logged in as the admin on my other computer Thanks Rick
  9. Is there a way to order the table by ICAO cod rather than database id I've got the ICAO code added to the table, but I'd like it to order the fleet by ICAO so I don't have to go to the database and change the database id every time I add a new plane to the fleet Thanks Rick
  10. 1. PHP 7.2.15, Apache 2.2x, MySQL 5.6 on a Debian platform.....not sure what version 2. I'm using MySQL 3. http://www.ich.flyvfrwpr.com/ich/index.php 4. Yes even when I tried to register as another person both email addy's are valid 5.not until you suggested it, and it works 6.As far as I know the ReCaptcha it's working just like it should I had to verify with ReCaptcha when I sent myself an email The install was flawless, I've added a couple modules, and they work just as expected I was thinking it's because I'm trying to register using the same ip on the client side I'm pretty stumped here, been google'in for a couple days Thanks for the quick response Rick
  11. I downloaded this and installed it and it works amazingly well except for the registration page. It just reloads with no registration info being transmuted Any ideas? Thanks Rick P.S. Thanks for this I can't seem to find a good copy of V2
  12. Come check us out at http://commemorative.flyvfrwpr.com/ We're all about War Birds, Corporate, and General Aviation There's no required flights, and everybody's a Colonel We use TeamSpeak ts3.digitalthemepark.com Commemorative Virtual Channel Thanks for looking Rick
  13. is there a way to make the thumbnails bigger on the fleet view page Thanks Rick
  14. Yup, but that would defeat one of the concepts behind the VA, and that would be to be able to fly to and/or from any airport you want to, at any time Also I would like to thank you, not only for the great template, but for the help as well now it's off to find out why it takes 5 hours for the slider pic's to change after I upload new ones.....I think it's server side..... Thanks again Rick
  15. that was it BAM! it's work'in now Thank you Just one more question That particular page seems to load a little slow is there a way to speed it up.....I think it's because there's so many airports in the database Thanks again Rick
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