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    All things flight simming!

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  1. I can't rememebr what the pilot stats page under the Pilot Center looks like orignally. Can anyone post a screen shot showing what it is supposed to look like or just let me know what chart type is needed to show the stats. Thanks!
  2. Does anyone know if there is a replacement or some type of fix to be able to view a pilots stats on their Pilot Center page? I am using the 5.5.2 phpvms release. Flash is no longer being used right? Stay safe!
  3. Copy. But when you see it on a web page, it stops showing at 15 which I have not yet been able to figure out.
  4. Thanks! Yes it is payware. Didn't realize thaat it can't be discussed in a public forum. Kinda hard to get support since David (Simpilot) left so I was trying to find out something. Hopefully another member can PM me a solution. Thanks!
  5. Thanks Strider. If I understand correctly you need to see the site page? Below is a link to the site and one of the pages: https://flymirageva.org/index.php/tour/details/4
  6. Can anyone point me to which file I would modify to increase the number of pilots shown on a tour detail page when signed up for a tour? For example, I have tour that has 30 pilots signed up, however the tour detail page only shows 15. Any ideas? Regards
  7. I have recently started php logging in order to troubleshoot another issue I am having. In the php log, it shows the following over and over: Here is the code for that section: Any ideas? Regards, Nat
  8. Thanks!
  9. Keep getting the following error: Deprecated: Non-static method VAStatsData::monthly_flight_stats() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in phpvms\core\modules\vStatsCenter\vStatsCenter.php on line 36
  10. Copy that. Thanks!
  11. This worked for me.
  12. Will apologize upfront, however this is rather confusing. Is this code specifically for use with the Hub Module or is this referencing somewhere else? Regards, Nat
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