Anyone getting this to work with a .php version? No matter what I do with this code I get error 500 page
# It's a template sammich!
if (strpos($page_content,'html { height: 100% }
body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 }') !== false) {
echo $page_content;
else {
echo $page_content;
The profile issue with the shrinking boxes is a strange one. The demo was working fine until the other day. I have been marked as retired. I will see if filing a PIREP will fix that. The footer box, I didn't notice until you pointed that pointed that. I will see what I can do. I lost the original source to this template awhile ago. I will see if I can fix manually.
I noticed the the images in my screenshot module are all gone. When I go to the link, it states that there are no images in the database.
I went to the screenshot table, and there are images there aswell in the pics directory.
Any ideas?