I am showing an error on my page.
You have included the Google Maps API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.
Anyone else ever have this issue? I cant find anywhere where I have multiple includes of the api code.
Try this
$a = "SELECT count(pirepid) AS count FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE accepted = 0";
$ab = DB::get_row($a);
<p> You have <?php echo $ab->count ;?> pending pireps</p>
Never tried that approach. You can try and see what happens. Always revert back if it doesnt work.
You will need to install SimPilots phpvms 5.5.2 version. Than you will get some errors. Big headache. If your site is still working on tpl version, I wouldn't change it. You can always download the skin. Change the files to .tpl and see what happens. I can't really help you. My server wont load the current phpvms version.
That fixed the same error I had - http://www.flyaka.com/test/index.php/SimpleNews/item/1
try installing with a clean copy, without the tweaks except the last edit.
This is how I fixed my strict standard errors when converting to 5.5
Open core/common/NewsData.class
Find public function and replace it with public static function. Most cases there are several lines that need to be replaced.
This fix puts another error in the air. In admin know matter what link I click there is some sort error where a menu should be. It will display sidebar_dashboard.php for examplae, different for each link.