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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. What does line 294 say on laypot.tpl?
  2. What phpvms version are you on?
  3. Nice Job, Looks awesome!
  4. Thats the only link. Are you getting any errors?
  5. I send you a PM. To not use the white box, just use a different image and don't use the overlay in the psd folder.
  6. Did you ever get this error resolved?
  7. I am showing an error on my page. You have included the Google Maps API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors. Anyone else ever have this issue? I cant find anywhere where I have multiple includes of the api code.
  8. Try this <?php MainController::Run('flightboards', 'index'); ?>
  9. Try this <?php $a = "SELECT count(pirepid) AS count FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE accepted = 0"; $ab = DB::get_row($a); ?> <p> You have <?php echo $ab->count ;?> pending pireps</p>
  10. Never tried that approach. You can try and see what happens. Always revert back if it doesnt work. You will need to install SimPilots phpvms 5.5.2 version. Than you will get some errors. Big headache. If your site is still working on tpl version, I wouldn't change it. You can always download the skin. Change the files to .tpl and see what happens. I can't really help you. My server wont load the current phpvms version.
  11. Anyone have any luck using a admin dashboard as there pilot dashboard? https://almsaeedstudio.com/
  12. Check that the web server has permissions to write to the "images/" in the Download Center directory
  13. Are they set to all days? If you have a schedule with Friday unchecked, it wont show on Fridays.
  14. Figured out that fix caused the sidebar issue
  15. flyalaska


    That fixed the same error I had - http://www.flyaka.com/test/index.php/SimpleNews/item/1 try installing with a clean copy, without the tweaks except the last edit.
  16. flyalaska


    Open core/classes/CodonModule.class.php Right after <?php on a new line add ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED);
  17. flyalaska


    I dont use that mod, I will install it and see if I can get the errors to go away and than zip it to you.
  18. flyalaska


    You on phpvms 5.5.2?
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