It was originally released for the php version too. There some errors that I don't have time to look into right now. If you are running it on the php version, look at the login page and register page. Thats where people reported the errors.
You can edit the days in frontpage_main. On my file its line 152. It is right after the stats
var montharray=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
function countup(yr,m,d){
var today=new Date()
var todayy=today.getYear()
if (todayy < 1000)
var todaym=today.getMonth()
var todayd=today.getDate()
var todaystring=montharray[todaym]+" "+todayd+", "+todayy
var paststring=montharray[m-1]+" "+d+", "+yr
var difference=(Math.round((Date.parse(todaystring)-Date.parse(paststring))/(24*60*60*1000))*1)
difference+=" days"
document.write("It\'s been "+difference+" since the launch of Demo Airways!")
//enter the count up date using the format year/month/day