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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Did you ever figure out how you got it?
  2. What happens if you reset the pilots pay in admin, will it give everything back?
  3. Several years ago I has a Northwest Airlines VA. It eventually got shut down. Copyright issues with the logo and the planes we used. Turns out there was another NWA va out there turning in all his competition.lol. I think it's best to have a fictional VA. You are guaranteed not to have any logo problems.
  4. I had this happen to me before. It has to with an error in your skin.
  5. Someone told me they saw a post in the VATSIM post about people bragging on how many VAS they belong too. They are bragging that they are signing up on as many as they can. There were a few of them doing this. I hate Roster Squaters...lol
  6. flyalaska

    Prob with Kacars

    Here is my dumb question. Is he putting the flight number in right. On my airline we have to put AKA, I had a pilot had same problem. He was putting AK than the number.
  7. It works, not from the edit fleet page, but there is a download section in admin.
  8. If it was http://www.thotmarket.com, they have closed down. I used them too.
  9. Anyone know of any Virtual Stock websites that can be used for my VA?
  10. Is there a way to display the pilots top 25 greased landings?
  11. In the downloads section index.php/Downloads is there a way to split the categories so all categories don't show. Have a link for each cat?
  12. Since I can't get help on this, I would like to disable this option. # After how long to mark a pilot inactive, in days Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true); Config::Set('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 120); Would changing True to false disable this feature?
  13. Time Zone is CST Format:%H:%i:%s
  14. My testing site is own its own domain and its own database.
  15. That is exactly how I have it. Sever time is Dec 01 11:25 CST
  16. We are getting emails stating that the pilots are marked as retired. They are active pilots who have flown lately. Hi Thomas McGreevy, You have been marked as retired because you have been inactive for more than 120 days. To be un-retired, you must file a PIREP. Thanks, The Alaska Adventures Management I am running version Version 2.1.934
  17. I am having the same error. I am on version 1.0.8. Was working fine until my server change. My url is http://www.flyaka.com
  18. I don't think the author is around anymore. I messaged him a little after he started this thread, asking about the total flights per airport, never got a response.
  19. <div class="clean-welcome"> <?php $newpilot = PilotData::getLatestPilots(1); ?> Welcome Alaska Adventures Newest Pilot: <?php foreach ($newpilot as $pilot) { echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname.' ('.PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid).')'; } ?> </div> CSS: .clean-welcome{ border:solid 1px #349534; background:#C9FFCA; color:#008000; font-weight:bold; padding:4px; text-align:center; }
  20. I am using SMF 2.0 RC3. I am having problems displaying the recent topics. Here is what I have done. Before the head I have <?php require("./forums/SSI.php"); ?> Where I want to display it I have <!--#include virtual="./forums/SSI.php?ssi_function=recentTopics" --> also tried <?php ssi_recentTopics(); ?> All attempts have an error. Fatal error: Call to undefined function ssi_recenttopics() in /home/flyakaco/public_html/lib/skins/_SKIN/frontpage_main.tpl on line 33 Any help would be appreciated!
  21. Anyone using phpbb3 having problems with signatures. New members after my last phpbb3 update are getting an error when adding a image to their signature. It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image I was going to convert to SMF, their converter is buggy and wont convert images and passwords. So I am going to try to work this out.
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