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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Thank You !!
  2. The server has been down a few says now.
  3. Read above. He was releasing copyrighted material.
  4. For now, you have to do it manually in phpAdmin.
  5. Just make another flight number. Copy the same route with a different flight number and use the other aircraft.
  6. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4437-hubstats-class/
  7. The download link is on the start of the post.
  8. Of course it does, lol!
  9. Thanks for the fix. I have been having this problem for several months now and never knew their was a fix for it.
  10. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3243-wondering-pagination-for-pireps-list/
  11. I think so!
  12. I been getting a bunch of new pilots since the show started. A few said they looked for an Alaska Bush VA after watching the show. All those new pilots are active. The show was free advertisement for the Alaska Bush VA's out there.
  13. My VA is based in Alaska and most of our Airport codes are 3 didgets. If you enter SRV it will not find it. You will have to manually enter the coordinates and airport info. That is what I did. http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/Airports
  14. I had the same problem last summer. Your fuel prices are set too high.
  15. That's exactly what I am looking for. Thank you!
  16. I saw some awhile ago. Search the boards.
  17. Love this! Been looking for something like this for awhile. Just now ran into it.
  18. flyalaska

    Pay Kacars

    He is probably busy. Give him a few days. You have to remember he has a life besides FlightSim.
  19. flyalaska

    VMSEditor 1.1

    I followed the directions, Uploaded the tinymce to public_html and the Contents of the Virtual Airline into the correct paths. I still have the default editor. What am I missing?
  20. Change the "4" to a 3 Config::Set('PILOTID_LENGTH', 4); // The length of PID, including 0's
  21. Look at http://www.dynamicdrive.com they have some nice menus that should work.
  22. Love it!!
  23. Yeah pretty much. I never hear of a VA using a real airlines brand winning a judgement against the real airline. Save your money, start a fictional VA.
  24. Works great. Although you and your pilots will need to go into your skype's settings and allow others to see your online status, or you will always show offline.
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