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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Thank you. That was too easy. I should of figured this out by myself.
  2. joeri - Whats your MSN?
  3. Whats the correct include format to display the tpl?
  4. I have made some progress. I do not get the error anymore after re doing the gauge. It's not filly connecting.
  5. you can add me on Windows Live/MSN eddie@flyaka.com
  6. I have both on the same computer.
  7. What files? I didn't see anything regarding local config.
  8. I am able to connect to Flight Sim. I run into trouble when I try to connect with Live ACARS Server. I get the error pictured below. I have everything filled out. Any Ideas? Below is my VA Template, it is placed in the correct place. [VA_CONFIG] DOWNLOADURL = http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/fsfk/vaconfig_template DOWNLOADURL_LIVEACARS_TEMPLATE = http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/fsfk/liveacars_template DOWNLOADURL_PIREP_TEMPLATE = http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/fsfk/pirep_template DOWNLOADURL_EMAL_TEMPLATE = http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/fsfk/email_template DOWNLOADURL_AIRTV_TEMPLATE = http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/fsfk/airtv_template EVENT_LOG_MODE = FULLPLUS FORCE_RECORDING_OF_ALL_EVENTS = FALSE AUTOCONNECT_LIVEACARS = FALSE DISABLE_DISCONNECT_LIVEACARS = FALSE AUTO_WEB_PIREP = FALSE AUTO_EMAIL_PIREP = FALSE AUTO_FLIGHTCRITIQUE = TRUE DISABLE_WORLD_MENU = FALSE DISABLE_AIRCRAFT_MENU = FALSE DISABLE_FLIGHTS_MENU = FALSE DISABLE_OPTIONS_MENU = FALSE DISABLE_ALL_MENUS = FALSE DISABLE_PAUSE = FALSE DISABLE_SLEW = TRUE MAX_SIM_RATE = 2 FORCE_CRASH_DETECTION = FALSE
  9. Does anyone know to display the ACARS map on the index page, but on a smaller scale?
  10. I bought it yesterday, I haven't got my key yet. I imagine Aerosoft is closed on the weekends.
  11. Thank you Kieran for getting me the code to align my awards. I really appreciate the time you have taken to help me. Now our profile doesn't look so cluttered.
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  12. Thank you!!!
  13. Where do I get the VA Config file for FSFK? I don't see it on phpvms. Nevermind I found it.
  14. Thank you!Maybe I should of read XACARS message.
  15. Since FSACARS has started crapping on some of us, I am having them change to XACARS. Everything logs fine except the Aircraft always shows up as an error. I have tried this too, with the same problem. I checked and I have the aircraft entered correct. Does anyone have this problem?
  16. I am getting really frustrated with FSACARS. I am thinking of getting FSFK. Anyone use FSFK with phpVMS with success? Would you recommend FSFK?
  17. We have the FSACARS update to 4.0.15. I will send you that info tomorow.
  18. The [sIteLog... didn't work. The pirep said it sent, but it nver went to phpvms. What I did was that I ziped up my Fsacars directory and sent it to one pilot who had a problem. He changed the ini to his ID. Did a test flight and the pirep sent with no problems.
  19. I love it! Thank you for this.
  20. Welcome aboard Sean! Nice site you guys have there.
  21. XACARS does not record data. Just used for sending pireps.
  22. I googled the error. Looks like every VA had this problem. I have found a possible fix. I will find out hopefully tomorrow. They said to replace Log=http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/pirep with SiteLog=http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/pirep adding the word "Site" seemed to fix their problems. I have sent this info to people that get the error. Hopefully this will do the trick. I will let you know. phpVMS Version - 854
  23. They have deleted ACARS many times. I will look around for the other post. Thank you.
  24. Our VA is have some major problems with sending the logs with FSACARS. Not everyone is getting an error, but alot of people are. They get the error on the final step when they send the log. "error sending log" data base error. While some have no problems sending the logs, others can not. They have deleted ACARS and reinstalled numerous of times. Many of them have stopped flying with me. It happens with FS9 and FSX and with XP,Vista. Any help would be appreciated.
  25. We just reject the flight if the landing rate is grater than -1,000
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