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Everything posted by OmerAslan

  1. Works well. Thank you my friend...
  2. Hello, I made some changes. I add some extra columns from templates page and works good only problen this: I want banner comes till end. Here is my code: $offset = 0; $total = 1; $page = 1; while($offset < $numschedules) { ?> <center> <h3><?php echo SITE_NAME; ?> Timetable</h3> </center> <table width="100%" frame="box"> <tr align="center"> <?php $count = 1; while($count <= 1) { ?> <td width="100%" valign="top"> <table width="100%"> <tr bgcolor="#cccccc"> <td width="13%">Arr</td> <td width="12%">Code</td> <td width="13%">Flight</td> <td width="12%">Type</td> <td width="13%">Freq</td> <td width="12%">Dep. Time</td> <td width="13%">Arr. Time</td> <td width="12%">Duration</td> </tr> <?php $schedules = TimetableData::get_schedules($offset); foreach($schedules as $schedule) { if($departure <> $schedule->depicao) { $field = OperationsData::getAirportInfo($schedule->depicao); echo '<tr>'; echo '<td bgcolor="#cccccc" colspan="5"><b>'.$schedule->depicao.' - '.$field->name.'</b></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } $departure = $schedule->depicao; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'.$schedule->arricao.'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$schedule->code.'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$schedule->flightnum.'</td>'; $aircraft = OperationsData::getAircraftInfo($schedule->aircraft); echo '<td>'.$aircraft->icao.'</td>'; echo '<td>'.Util::GetDaysCompact($schedule->daysofweek).'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$schedule->deptime.'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$schedule->arrtime.'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$schedule->flighttime.' Hr/s</td>'; echo '</tr>'; $total++; } $offset = $offset + 30; ?> </table> </td> <?php $count++; if($offset >= $numschedules) { while($count <= 1) { echo '<td width="100%" valign="top"> <table width="100%"> <tr bgcolor="#cccccc"> <td width="13%">Arr</td> <td width="12%">Code</td> <td width="13%">Flight</td> <td width="12%">Type</td> <td width="13%">Freq</td> <td width="12%">Dep. Time</td> <td width="13%">Arr. Time</td> <td width="12%">Duration</td> </tr> </table>'; $count++; } } } ?> </tr> </table> <center> <br /> <h5>Page <?php echo $page; $page++; ?></h5> </center> <hr /> <br /> <?php } ?> Total Flights: <?php echo $total; ?> <br /><br /> Thanks...
  3. I am using pilot career module and free... Also you can see awards... Click Here I believe this is what you are asking for...
  4. To fix top empty place go to lib/css/toppilot.css and find all %85 make %84 and done... But still i don't know how to fix numbers...
  5. Hello, Reset Hours option shows for all the pilots, AAL030 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL134 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL161 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL169 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL173 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL192 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL204 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL209 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL255 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL260 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL262 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1032 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1036 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1041 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1047 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1049 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1054 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1055 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1063 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1066 - found 1 flight hours for number ATA001 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1067 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1069 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1070 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1071 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1072 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1073 - found 1 flight hours for number AAL1074 - found 1 flight hours for number Pilots have a total of 28.00 hours Which is not right... Is it normal?
  6. I change this code line to the bottom of the page and now working. Only problem is page loading slow. ı have 500 schedules and takes 15-20 seconds to load the page... Config::Set('JUMPSEAT_COST', '.25'); //0.25 is the cost
  7. Ok i been looking for answer and i have godaddy linux cpanel... Go select php version then Switch to PHP options From the list error log on to off... This way not gonna be any error logs...
  8. Hello All, I have American Airlines Virtual and i want to have codeshare flights with other virtual airline. Doesn't make different for me if airline is real world airline or not and schedules are real world schedules or not. If anyone interested about it please send me an email. If we do then i will add your virtual airline name, logo and web address to my main page and i will expect the same. Thanks... My website : American Airlines Virtual My Email : omeraslan@aalvirtual.com
  9. Interesting, I have this module in my crew center and don't have this problem also in regular phpvms 5.5.2 and i have this problem and i couldn't fix it.
  10. No matter what i tried didn't go right wat. price is 0... I add this also but no change. Config::Set('JUMPSEAT_COST', '.25'); //0.25 is the cost When i click on Select Airport To Transfer : dropdown takes some time to open... Parkho are you on vacation I miss you
  11. OmerAslan


    i add you on skype
  12. OmerAslan


    what was your skype id?
  13. OmerAslan


    i read it. i didn't receive any email. i will be on skype in 1 hour.
  14. OmerAslan


    Ok now next step we are stuck here
  15. OmerAslan


    New one
  16. OmerAslan


    Ok my friend. Take you time.
  17. OmerAslan


    php 5.6 phpvms 5.5.2 your download link not working at the moment.
  18. OmerAslan


    How can i fix this and how to download client please? thanks
  19. So was my fault. I am sorry. Thanks for your help my friend.
  20. yes i did if you like i can send you my cpannel login info also
  21. I did my friend. Thanks.
  22. I had same problem with textarea and dropdown. Now textarea works but dropdown not. Let me explain, I add custom field says how did you heard about us? and i put dropdown: ---, google, valist, through a friend and some more option. During this registration. After they answer and submit form i am checking from my admin side and i see like they didn't pick any staying like first option. --- But i am changing from custom field dropdown to text and i see that pilot pick google as an example. So dropdown not showing. Or i am doing something wrong.
  23. Sorry George, I am trying to find the way to erase this error log. It has errors like this in it. I don't understand where do i have to put this code. [08-May-2017 02:12:02 UTC] PHP Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'Schedules' does not have a method 'js' in /home/assertiveomer/public_html/aalvirtual.com/crew/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218 [08-May-2017 02:12:04 UTC] PHP Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'Schedules' does not have a method 'js' in /home/assertiveomer/public_html/aalvirtual.com/crew/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218 [08-May-2017 06:36:52 UTC] PHP Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'Schedules' does not have a method 'js' in /home/assertiveomer/public_html/aalvirtual.com/crew/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218
  24. Hello, I have error log in many folders. And i am eraseing them all the time. Is there anyway can we make some cronjob like this and erase them auto? Like this mycommand >/dev/null 2>&1 Is anyone using something like this?
  25. From admin, profile fields when i change from dropdown to text i see what pilots choose from dropdown but when i keep as dropdown i don't see what pilots choose... Also for registration form i use phpvms regular skin. Not lib/skins/your_skin/profile_edit.php ...
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