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Everything posted by OmerAslan
Any help?
Hello on fleet list i get Deprecated: mysql_query(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftlist.php on line 64 Warning: mysql_query(): Access denied for user 'pilotomeraslan'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftlist.php on line 64 Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftlist.php on line 64 0% when i click to buy iget Deprecated: mysql_query(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftbuysell.php on line 55 Warning: mysql_query(): Access denied for user 'pilotomeraslan'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftbuysell.php on line 55 Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftbuysell.php on line 55 Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftbuysell.php on line 56 Deprecated: mysql_query(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftbuysell.php on line 62 Warning: mysql_query(): Access denied for user 'pilotomeraslan'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftbuysell.php on line 62 Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftbuysell.php on line 62 Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftbuysell.php on line 63 Deprecated: mysql_query(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftbuysell.php on line 69 Warning: mysql_query(): Access denied for user 'pilotomeraslan'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftbuysell.php on line 69 Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftbuysell.php on line 69 Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/templates/ops_aircraftbuysell.php on line 70 help please.
No it was my foult. I was trying to download .tpl version and i now i download .php version. So works perfect.
Hello i download this module but i got this error help please Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/modules/vStaffListAdmin/vStaffListAdmin.php on line 146 Ok i was using wrong version. Now looks better. Sorry. I don't know what happen to me today...
Hi i download the module. I get this on admin page Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES in /home/pilotomeraslan/erisair.com/crew/admin/modules/vStaffListAdmin/vStaffListAdmin.php on line 146 Help please
Hello, I have one virtual airlines American Airlines Virtual and working well. Now i am planning to open other one. But this virtual airlines will have forum, blog some extra things. I want this virtual airline to be helpful to the virtual pilots. For this i don't need finance help. I only need some friends to help me with opening routes and do some things in forum and blog. We have Ts3 server to discuss. If anyone interest about it please post under this topic. I want also invite phpVMS forum moderators and other virtual airlines owners to my virtual airlines to talk about virtual pilots union. But this is going to be a next step. If you interested let me know.
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Hi Parkho, Thanks for your answer. I was thinking maybe there is an easy way to do this from phpmyadmin panel. But the way you explain then i will pass this option No need this headache. Thanks a lot my friend.
Hello, I want to make two different virtual airlines in same hosting with different database. Which is i already have. Only pilot table i want to use together. I have phpmyadmin. Can someone explain to me how can i do that? Thanks. Only the pilot table.
It's working my friend thanks.
Thanks for your quick answer. <iframe src="http://rfinder.asalink.net/free" frameborder="" name="" width="1300px" height="750px" style="text-align: center!important;" scrolling="yes"></iframe> <iframe style="text-align: center!important;" src="http://rfinder.asalink.net/free" frameborder="" name="" width="1300px" height="750px" scrolling="yes"></iframe> i tried two ways but still the same.
Hello my friend, I have your route finder i frame module. Works perfect but iframe stays left side of the screen. How can i make i frame to be at the middle? I tried table allign center but didn't work or i did something wrong. Thanks. Best Regards, Omer Aslan
We have smartCARS2 but one of our pilot was trying to use xacar with wrong information. Now it's fixed. Thanks.
I have a problem with my map. Shows some flights but no information. Please see the picture. Help please. I don't know how to stop this.
Thanks to you all. It's in crstal template and layout.php Best Regards, Omer
Hello How can i erase those links on the pic? This is top of nav bar on right side. Thanks.
I have exactly same problem. How can i fix it please?
Thanks again.
Hi Parkho, how can i fix them? like make them full screen. thanks.
I did and it's perfect my friend. Thanks a lot.
Hi Parkho, Thanks for your quick answer and now better. If you can look this pic and tell me why what did i do wrong? It shows result at the bottom not on the right side... Thanks and sorry about the problem. http://prntscr.com/ddynht also you can see it from here : http://s.swissval.com/index.php/toppilot
Hi, I download the module and thanks a lot. But please look at the pic, http://prntscr.com/ddrfq8
When i add this code, map works in google chrome but mozzilla and others not working. Can i have some help? http://s.swissval.com/index.php/acars now not even working in google chrome i think
Hi, i download it and i see the airports but they are empty. It says There are no charts! On Charts Admin page, i see all the airports but how i will add charts in it? There is no option for it. When i click on Icao codes in admin side comes this page admin/index.php/viewcharts?icao=AGAT and it says The module "VIEWCHARTS" doesn't exist! help please.
my friend explained to me and i want to share for the future, body { background: url(images/aal1.jpg) repeat fixed 0 0 #ffffff; background-size: 100% auto; color: #000000; } and for pilots page open module core/modules/Pilots copy and paste <?php /** * phpVMS - Virtual Airline Administration Software * Copyright © 2008 Nabeel Shahzad * For more information, visit www.phpvms.net * Forums: http://www.phpvms.net/forum * Documentation: http://www.phpvms.net/docs * * phpVMS is licenced under the following license: * Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) * View license.txt in the root, or visit http://creativecommo...s/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * * @author Nabeel Shahzad * @copyright Copyright © 2008, Nabeel Shahzad * @link http://www.phpvms.net * @license http://creativecommo...s/by-nc-sa/3.0/ */[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]class Pilots extends CodonModule {[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]public function index() { if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { $this->set('message', 'CAUTION!!! You must be logged in to access this page!'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; }; // Get all of our hubs, and list pilots by hub $allhubs = OperationsData::GetAllHubs();[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]if(!$allhubs) $allhubs = array();[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]foreach($allhubs as $hub) { $this->set('title', $hub->name); $this->set('icao', $hub->icao);[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]$this->set('allpilots', PilotData::findPilots(array('p.hub'=>$hub->icao)));[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]$this->render('pilots_list.tpl'); }[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]$nohub = PilotData::findPilots(array('p.hub'=>'')); if(!$nohub) { return; }[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]$this->set('title', 'No Hub'); $this->set('icao', ''); $this->set('allpilots', $nohub); $this->render('pilots_list.tpl'); }[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]public function reports($pilotid='') { if($pilotid == '') { $this->set('message', 'No pilot specified!'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; }[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]$this->set('pireps', PIREPData::GetAllReportsForPilot($pilotid)); $this->render('pireps_viewall.tpl'); }[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]/* Stats stuff for charts */[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]public function statsdaysdata($pilotid) { $data = PIREPData::getIntervalDataByDays(array('p.pilotid'=>$pilotid), 30); $this->create_line_graph('Past 30 days PIREPs', $data); }[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]public function statsmonthsdata($pilotid) { $data = PIREPData::getIntervalDataByMonth(array('p.pilotid'=>$pilotid), 3); $this->create_line_graph('Monthly Flight Stats', $data); }[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]public function statsaircraftdata($pilotid) { $data = StatsData::PilotAircraftFlownCounts($pilotid); if(!$data) $data = array();[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]include CORE_LIB_PATH.'/php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php';[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]$d = array(); foreach($data as $ac) { OFCharts::add_data_set($ac->aircraft, floatval($ac->hours)); }[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]echo OFCharts::create_pie_graph('Aircraft Flown'); }[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]protected function create_line_graph($title, $data) { if(!$data) { $data = array(); }[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]$bar_values = array(); $bar_titles = array(); foreach($data as $val) {[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]$bar_titles[] = $val->ym; $bar_values[] = floatval($val->total); }[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]OFCharts::add_data_set($bar_titles, $bar_values); echo OFCharts::create_area_graph($title); }[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]public function RecentFrontPage($count = 5) { $this->set('pilots', PilotData::GetLatestPilots($count)); $this->render('frontpage_recentpilots.tpl'); } } thanks again.
Hello, Ok i add background picture and seems nice. But some long pages i have. Like pilots page. I want Fixed BG's Do Not Move. Only the text (and images) will scroll by. How can i do that? And you know like pilots page is public. What can i do make that page only available for sign-in pilots? Thanks.