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Everything posted by MooneyPilot99

  1. How many pilots Rory?
  2. Hello guys, If you feel inclined, please take this short questionnaire. I am curious to know the demand for a GA flying club or virtual airline. Thank you. Link: General Aviation Airline Questionnaire
  3. Hello all, Just gonna upload the new POH here. Tell me what you guys think. Thanks, Anthony Edwards SkyWings Virtual Airlines POH.zip
  4. Hello guy, I am Lenny Cook, the Director of Human Resources for SkyWings Virtual. Our COO resigned yesterday so we are looking for a new COO. If you are interested in the position, please send an E-mail with your name as the subject to ceo@skywingsvirtual.com or support@skywingsvirtual.com Upon contact, we will arrange a time to come on to our TeamSpeak server for an interview. Thank you Lenny Cook Director of Human Resources SkyWings Virtual Airlines
  5. Hello, Let me know when you are ready. I have pictures of a repaint I had made.. I need it for the 739 A320 and DC 6
  6. Hey Felipe, Have not heard from the donut guy in a good while... we do need the A320 200 CFM repainted and we will be ready to rock n roll.
  7. Hello, I need a repaint for the A320 by Aerosoft and the PMDG DC 6. The DC 6 will have to have a retro look. Thanks !
  8. Hello guys, first off, I have my hat off to the devs here at phpvms for overhauling their site and forum. It looks amazing ! To the point now, I have had a repaint recently created for the Boeing 739 for my VA. I would like some feedback Also, I am looking for someone to do the A320 and DC-6 A-B Thanks ! SKS 739 (1).zip
  9. Am getting the same warning. I assume their security certificate has expired. They will have to renew it.
  10. Hello repainters, I am looking for someone to bring a design I have for a repaint to life. I know what I want the aircraft to look like. I just need someone to paint the fleet. If you would be interested in the project, contact me at aedwards521@gmail.com and we can discuss the design and pricing if necesssary. Thank you Anthony Edwards
  11. @KorrexelzYT last time I checked she wasn't ready, am not sure how to install but there should be a README file somewhere If you figure it out, let me know how it goes
  12. Hello guys, Looking for someone who would be willing to help us at EastLink come up with a logo as well as a repaint scheme for our aircraft. I would like to implement something on the aircraft, it is attached below in this post. We have agreed to make the colors blue and gray. The hex codes for the specific colors are BLUE: 00587A Gray: 6E706A I will pay for someone to come up with a beautiful, sleek, and modern design for the repaint and logo. Send mock up designs to ceo@flyeastlinkvirtual.com Thank you all -EastLink Virtual Airlines
  13. I PMed you Jose , mark this forum as solved
  14. Hello guys I am contacting you all today in hopes of finding someone who is experienced in coding and web development. I am currently starting a virtual airline called EastLink Virtual.I would like to have a front page developed for my website which will be running on PHPVMS. I am also looking for someone to create a logo and a paint scheme for the airline. Blue and Gray would be the colors unless you recommend a better idea. If you could help me out, that would be great ! Thanks.EastLink Virtual Airlines
  15. Hello folks ! I was wondering if any of you fine gentlemen who have created custom acars in the past or are VA developers would be able to create a custom ACARS system for my virtual airline. More info given when needed. I look forward to recieving a reply soon Thanks Anthony Edwards Flex Virtual Airlines
  16. Hello guys, The staff team at Flex Virtual has decided to add a few new staff positions, if you are interested in joining our friendly and experienced staff team, please contact HR@flyflexvirtual.net or CEO@flyflexvirtual.net. Also, we encourage pilots from all over the world to join Flex Virtual. Soon we will have some new and quite unique features implemented into the website ! as well as a new legacy fleet for you aviation old timers ! Vacant Staff Positions Senior Administration: Chief Operating Officer - (COO) Deputy Chief Operating Officer - (DCO) Deputy Human Resources Officer (DHO) General Administration: Events Manager Forum Moderator Public Relations Manager If you have any questions, feel free to contact the E-mails mentioned earlier in the post. Thanks. Anthony Edwards CEO, Flex Virtual Airlines http://www.flyflexvirtual.net
  17. Hello guys, We are in need of someone for the role of Director of Operations at Flex Virtual. Applicants must... *Not be a staff member at any other virtual airlines. *Have past experience in an operational role within a virtual airline. *Be based in the US. *Be able to come on our Discord server for a small amount of time often. If you are interested in the position, please contact: CEO@flyflexvirtual.net or COO@flyflexvirtual.net Additional role details on request during interview. Safe skies, Anthony Edwards CEO, Flex Virtual Airlines
  18. @magicflyer I sent you an E-mail
  19. Hello all forum users ! A few months ago I posted in the forum somewhere that I was going to develop another VA, I also stated I would not give out any information about the VA until we were close to launch. Well, the time has come for me to tell you that Flex Virtual Airlines will be launching this Saturday. Me and another staff member are currently organizing an event with Atlanta TRACON on the Vatsim ATC Network in regards to the launch. So about the VA... Flex Virtual Airlines is a community oriented airline based in the United States. Our hubs include Atlanta, New York JFK, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, and Vancouver. Flex is a fictional airline with a twist of realism, that being said, we are a fictional airline but the airline is operated as close to real as we can get. We have a state of the art crew center that is compatible with desktop computers, and Apple and Android mobile devices. We also use SmartCars 2 but will soon be aquiring a custom state of the art ACARS system. These are just a few key things I wanted to pitch out to the flight sim community. There are many more things for you to discover at Flex Virtual. We have a friendly, dedicated, and amazing staff team that works around the clock to ensure your experience at Flex Virtual Airlines is an airline like no other. If you have any questions or comments E-mail HR@flyflexvirtual.net or contact@flyflexvirtual.net Cheers ! Anthony Edwards CEO, Flex Virtual Airlines
  20. Mark this forum as solved
  21. Hello, Am wondering if anyone would be ever so kind to tell or send me some code. I have seen on various websites airport delays NOTAMS, I would like to implement this into my home page. Thanks
  22. Hello, Thanks for quoting, join my Discord where I can easily tell you. https://discord.gg/HzDmVvt Thanks.
  23. Hello guys, I'm currently working on finishing a few things within the website, overall about 6 more small things need to be fixed or edited for the website to classified as "stable". I am looking for a few helpful, passionate people to help finish the job for my VA. If you are interested in helping out, that will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Anthony Edwards
  24. Hello, I have ran into this error a while back, however I do not remember how to fix it. When I go to add a new airport to my airport database, I enter the ICAO and click "Look Up" and it says "retrieving airport information", and doesn't do anything afterwards... I have over 4000 airports to add, I am not going to add 4000 airports manually, could someone help me refresh my mind and tell me how to fix this bug ? Thanks.
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