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Everything posted by Rene

  1. disabled flights in schedule also be shown... :-( can somebody help please?
  2. any ideas?
  3. sorry....my fault, this problem is in FBSV11 module
  4. disabled aircrafts will be shown. how can i fix it please?
  5. nobody can help? :-(
  6. After install this error: Fatal error: Class 'MailData' not found in /home/u166215059/public_html/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php on line 59 in Line 59: $this->set('mail', MailData::getallmail(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid));
  7. all ok now thx
  8. no there is nothing:
  9. no...cannot find....
  10. is it possible to show in the admin menu what users already purchased? i dont find anything... :-(
  11. any ideas?
  12. yes it seems defined...see attachment app.config.php
  13. just tested it...if i entered a price in the "pay for flight" the automatic the pireps are set to paytype "2" i found out now, if i change in the PIREP-database to paytype"1" before accepting, then all is ok and it seems the hourly payment with the filled price is calculated correctly. so its seems, its a calculating error (bug) in paytype "2"
  14. hi servestas....thx for reply the paytype value is to 99% "1" and sometimes "2" i think i got a "2" if i entered a price in the "pay for flight" price....but im not sure....
  15. I think i found a bug, if im adding a new schedule.... my pilots always paid for each hour flight....O.K. in my case 20$/h but if i enter a price in the field "pay for flight" (example "10") then the pilot get the normal hour-rate + the amount of the "pay for flight" (10$/h) field example: pilot flying 90min then the pilot receive 30$ + 15$ = 45$ ??? it should be 15 $ only, or the amount which i filled out in the "pay for flight" field, or im wrong??
  16. and how Parkho? Please help us out....
  17. Autopirep would be fine!
  18. i got error: ...public_html/core/templates/realschedulelite/realschedulelite_index.php" doesn't exist in.... yes and its missing in the downloaded zip... where can i find? i have installed vms 5.x
  19. thx that works :-)
  20. I need help please with: * Access it by <?php echo url('/FBSV11") ;?> in which file should i add please?
  21. my error: Notice: The template file "/home/990/217990/public_html//core/templates/fbsv/airport_search.php.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/990/217990/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248
  22. i got this error: The template file "/home/990/217990/public_html//core/templates//finance/finance.php.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/990/217990/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248
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