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Everything posted by rebal15

  1. Hiya all, I'm in the process of skinning phpVMS 7, and I'm just wondering if it would be bad practise to skin the admin panel, and if it wasn't, how to go about routing it. Many thanks, Lucas
  2. No my site does not have ssl
  3. Hey! I have done all of the steps to upload a skin to my lib/skins folder, and I have selected it as my skin in settings, however I simply get a plain text page, with no colours or shapes or anything! It is just plain text on a page. Any help appreciated, I need to get this fixed ASAP!!! I'm on phpVMS 5.5, and I have tried it with multiple skins, all to get the same result.
  4. Hey! I have done all of the steps to upload it to my lib/skins folder, and I have selected it as my skin in settings, however I simply get a plain text page, with no colours or shapes or anything! It is just plain text on a page. Any help appreciated, I need to get this fixed ASAP!!!
  5. rebal15

    Can't register

    Hey, none of my pilots can register, because they can't choose a home airport. Any help is appreciated.
  6. Hi there, I'm looking to make some addons for phpVMS, such as an exam centre, as the one by simpilots is outdated. I'm not entirely sure how to. Could somebody explain?
  7. PHP 7.2 It is on shared hosting, so I installed Flarum locally with composer, then transferred it via FTP to the server. I'm not entirely sure where to find the Laravel logs.
  8. Hey everyone, I put in the database info (correctly into phpVMS) and I press next, yet this message appears in red writing: Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Any help appreciated.
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