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Everything posted by Daniboi

  1. Hello, as it says in the title, the Google map and Bidding isn’t working in Ela Skin 2018. When I go to a Schedule for example, it says: "Google couldn’t Load right on this Page, more info in the JavaScript console". And with the Bidding, when I tap on the bid flight I Get a error.
  2. Thank you, I got it working and is looking very cool now Picture
  3. Oh, Yeah, I just said that I will try what Web541 said
  4. Okay, Thank you, I will try now!
  5. Hello people, so I want to make a custom MainController::Run like this example here: <?php MainController::Run('PIREPS' 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> so that will go and insert the 5 newest flights, but I want to make a custom one, How could I do that?
  6. I have a loading circle that won’t stop. And I don’t find the card styling in style.css that I can customize the card width because my news card needs to be 100% width inside the wrapper.
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