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  1. I started experiencing this almost immediately after I released my VA's URL to the flight sim community. However, I haven't had any problems with spam accounts on phpVMS. Now, we haven't launched yet, and our advertising has been pretty weak thus far, so we might see this change down the road. So far, though I have lucked out. I have been communicating with everyone via email, and so far, no spam.
  2. You're on the right track, and it's definitely looking better! But you should really consider removing that advertisement.
  3. Hi, Daniel! I'm new here myself, so I won't be able to offer up a lot of advice. The phpVMS system looks a little intimidating at first on the back end, but I found that once I got used to it, I was making progress faster than if I were using a standard site template and maybe VAFS or VA Base. I'm fortunate enough to have my hands on Adobe's CS5 package, so Dreamweaver makes everything so smooth, but if you're at least a little bit familiar with site coding, you'll grow to like phpVMS a lot. I'm not trying to misdirect your post or lead everyone off onto a different topic, but instead to tell you that the program is a lot of fun to play around with, and there are a great group of guys here on the forums that will put up with endless requests for assistance, if you find that you need it. And you probably will. I'm just trying to encourage you to give it a go before you pass the buck off to someone else. Or, maybe a few bucks, I don't know what your budget is! Good luck in your endeavor, and let everyone know how progress goes for you! I think the people around here like to let others know they are doing a good job /edit - I don't use any of the skins, not that I don't like them or anything, but I think it's easier to customize the default Crystal skin to your liking, thus giving your VA a distinctive look versus a similar look to the VA next door.
  4. Just a couple of quick fixes! The Log In link is incorrect, and brings you to a Page Not Found sort of error. I think it's just a simple overlook in the link address. Not enough caffeine? =) Also, I'm getting notices that certain .tpl files do not exist, for the Gallery and Our Staff pages specifically. Other than that, the site seems to be working pretty smoothly. Obviously, I can't access the pilot options, but all in all, it's pretty good. Maybe an upgrade with the logo, it look sort of squished dimension-wise. Live Map is working good - I see you're EDDS to EGLL at the moment... Good luck!
  5. Check out this link. I think he reinstalled it into the main directory instead of /phpvms. --- I would definitely consider replacing that advertisement with something more practical. Say, an airline logo, perhaps? Maybe get a banner the same width of the navigation menu and center it along the top to give it a clean look, if you think that might be something you like. Bump your TeamSpeak information to the sidebar, maybe? I like this method of sorting your pilot roster, personally. And resize the map. You'll find this in your local.config.php. # Google Map Options Config::Set('MAP_WIDTH', '800px'); Config::Set('MAP_HEIGHT', '600px'); These are just basic ideas, all meant in good spirit. =) /edit - Another thing about the map. I like that the map automatically zooms to fit your active flights into the viewing area, however I didn't like that, when there weren't active flights, it zoomed in on the New England states. Hehe. So, I altered the map info so it would sit overlooking the area our operations primarily exist in (which is worldwide). You can edit that information from your local.config.php as well, just take it slow and remember to undo it if it messes anything up. # Valid types are G_NORMAL_MAP, G_SATELLITE_MAP, G_HYBRID_MAP, G_PHYSICAL_MAP Config::Set('MAP_TYPE', 'G_PHYSICAL_MAP'); Config::Set('MAP_LINE_COLOR', '#ff0000'); Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LAT', '22.883333'); Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LNG', '-109.9'); Config::Set('MAP_ZOOM_LEVEL', 12);
  6. It looks like a lot of code from the original install is missing. I would do a fresh template install, and go from there. Start from the top and work your way down, and as it was suggested before, check your work every step of the way, and if something seems out of whack, you'll know to do a quick CTRL+Z or delete a small snippet of newly-added code. Take time to note the dimensions of images, too. If you're working in a program such as Photoshop, it won't be so hard to create a new image using layers over the old image, then save it, and re-upload it. At the very least, you can save the original images from the template onto your computer, and read the information in the Properties of the image to get the dimensions. If you don't have Photoshop or the like, search for a free alternative. There are a few great open source programs available for free. Also, take away those ads. There isn't a reason to monetize your VA, as you probably won't actually receive any revenue from it. As a matter of fact, this will turn potential pilots away. I don't think it was necessary for anyone to be brutally honest, however they are being honest. It obviously needs some work, you just need to be willing to spend the time to do it. (To everyone else, please do not "vote this post down" I just tryin' to offer friendly advice in an area I feel comfortable doing so!)
  7. I'm on my phone right now without access to my computer, but that sounds like a note that was put in that the following code was to fix an IE error, probably centering the nav bar. However, I'm king of assuming. Will check this out asap.
  8. Go in and add an accurate route or two from the administration panel. After you do that, use the "Export Schedules" option under Airline Operations on the navigation menu to save a .csv to your computer. Open that file in Excel (or Google Docs), and look at how the information you entered is displayed in the file. Edit that file to include the routes you want your airline database to include, and go back and use the "Import Schedules" option to re-upload that same .csv file when you are finished. I hope that made sense. Just pay attention to how you enter your info, to make sure the formatting matches the entries that were excluded in the export. Just to make sure I'm right, I'd enter a few routes, and then do a test import. I might not know what I'm talking about.
  9. HI! Guess who has another problem? Not me. Okay, yes me. In Internet Explorer, my drop-down menus are aligned all out of whack. They are dropping down way over to the right, instead of directly underneath the top link. Link. ... I'm working on the nav bar now, so just float your mouse over with IE and see what I'm talking about. I fixed some issues that were IE-exclusive, however I can't figure this one out. Will be actively searching for a fix while I wait for a reply, but will update you if I get it working. Thanks in advance. styles.css
  10. You could put them in a table. Something like: <table align="center" width="100%"border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td align="center"><?php Screenshots::show_random_screenshot(); ?></td> <td align="center"><?php Screenshots::show_random_screenshot(); ?></td> <td align="center"><?php Screenshots::show_random_screenshot(); ?></td> </tr> </table> That's what I would do, at least. I'm sure there is a better way...
  11. Yes, that's correct.
  12. While we are here... I don't necessarily need to know now, but let's say my real-world counterpart changes up their schedules, and we want to match up with them. If I upload a .csv file, and it has information with the same flight numbers as what is already in the database, but different dep/arr airports, fleet, etc., will it override them, or create duplicate routes... or just send an error? I'm just curious.
  13. "What! He's asking another question?" Yes. He is. Don't judge him, he doesn't know anything. Moving on. I came across this snippet a few days ago that will allow me to display recent flights underneath a map (GCMap), and it works like a charm. I sized it down and added it to the sidebar on my home page. Now, the question is this. And please understand that I do a lot of wingin' it when it comes to code, and while I can generally understand how things work and how to change them, I just don't understand this map thing quite yet. I have a list on my home page as well, that shows upcoming flights (pulled from pilot bids), and I want to display a similar GCMap to display these results, too. Any idea as to how I might approach that? I appreciate your help. I really do. You complete (the virtual aviation enthusiast looking to start his own VA part of) me. Website link.
  14. Thank you, sir. Working hard =) That's my way of contributing back, as most of the people on here are smarter than myself, and there really isn't any way I can help. Besides moral support. If you need it.
  15. I'm going to go ahead and start an airline thread to keep airline updates in and get feedback from you guys. I appreciate all the help I am getting from those more knowledgeable, and I am grateful for any constructive criticism you can provide here. To start off with, I wanted to get some feedback on one crucial area of the VA that you guys can't access - the Pilot Center. I have a few ideas in my head, and I started implementing them this evening, and I was hoping to get your thoughts. (Refer to attached thumbnail) Thanks, guys! [update - Hiring] I am looking to hire a few individuals to help me out. I doubt I will have much luck finding interested candidates on the phpVMS forum, as I am sure we all are dedicated to our own separate ventures. However, I thought I should at least post a link to the release, and here it is. If you know of any mature individuals who may be interested, send them my way.
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