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Everything posted by JoshTalbot

  1. Sounds beneficial Tom, I'm sure that will work magnificently. Shouldnt be hard to code, Maybe Nabeel might include it in his next release? Just my pennies worth, Josh
  2. its in a zip file to make it easier! - http://www.virtualmonarch.co.uk/vmsdev/dropbox/currentflights.zip
  3. Hi mate, I have a code sorted here for yourself if you want? Just bare with me a sec please
  4. Jeff, Thank you for the prompt reply. I will take your advice into consideration, and see what I can do. Thanks again, Josh
  5. Woah! You have an amazing site there! Keep up the good work Will! Josh
  6. JoshTalbot

    Kacars info

    Looks like a test still. Josh
  7. Hi all, I am intrigued to find out if its possible to skin the admin centre. I have seen LA92's version and its pretty awesome, But unfortunetly was taken down due to copyright infringement. I am willing to do this and release it to the phpVMS community free of charge if it all goes well. I look forward to hearing your responses, Thanks, Josh
  8. Dan, If you need some hosting head over to http://allhostone.co.uk/. Its cheap, and supports VMS. Also, Unless you actually have permission from the airline, then please do not share it on the forums. Its a waste of pilots time, and especially your time to create the website ect. Good luck in the future! Josh
  9. Looks Good Iain, Keep it up!
  10. Here it is - http://ukjetva.co.uk/lib/skins/brilliancev1.zip You will have to edit the logo, As it was used for my previous VA
  11. I Have the file on my other laptop. I will try and put it up for you!
  12. Sounds like a really good module, But I also have bad coding knowledge. I hope it goes well Josh
  13. Hi there, I am having a bit of a problem with the EXAMCenter. Where do I put the EXAMCenter Admin? and also how do I change the prices of the Exams? Many Thanks Josh
  14. Im sorry to hear about your mishaps with WestJet. But could you add me on msn. I need to ask you a few things - joshtalbot97(at)hotmail.co.uk


  15. Hello, how do you remove the side news bar on your template 'Brilliance?'

  16. Hi there Just admiring your sexy template but how do you remove the side news bar? As its quite annoying on my website Josh
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