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Everything posted by maxwaldorf

  1. In fact, the system just take whatever ICAO code into account but the map wil not show up if the ICAO code does not exist... As for the modification, just changed the fields ICAO codes from Droplist to text field... Removed the div fields because of some limitations with firefox (text field changes to droplist)... Cheers !
  2. Just tell me if you need to double check some stuff...
  3. Nope, you'll have to check it manually once your pilots have posted their flights... With our company, we passed out this limitation by assigning : Flight N1 = Charter flight within country Flight N2 = Charter flight within Europe ... Just create dummy flight with N°1, ... (But, NEVER PUSH THE RECALULATE DISTANCES BUTTON IN ADMIN INTERFACE !!!) As for the PIREP, I modified the template pirep_new.tpl with this one : <h3>File a Flight Report</h3> <?php if($message!='') echo '<div id="error">'.$message.'</div>'; ?> <form action="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/pireps/mine" method="post"> <dl> <dt>Pilot:</dt> <dd><strong><?php echo Auth::$userinfo->firstname . ' ' . Auth::$userinfo->lastname;?></strong></dd> <dt>Select Airline:</dt> <dd> <select name="code" id="code"> <option value="">Select your airline</option> <?php foreach($allairlines as $airline) { $sel = ($_POST['code'] == $airline->code || $bid->code == $airline->code)?'selected':''; echo '<option value="'.$airline->code.'" '.$sel.'>'.$airline->name.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </dd> <dt>Enter Flight Number:</dt> <dd><input type="text" name="flightnum" value="<?php echo $bid->flightnum?><?php echo $_POST['flightnum'] ?>" /></dd> <dt>Select Departure Airport:</dt> <dd> <input type="text" name="depicao" value="<?php echo $_POST['depicao'] ?>" /> </dd> <dt>Select Arrival Airport:</dt> <dd> <input type="text" name="arricao" value="<?php echo $_POST['arricao'] ?>" /> </dd> <dt>Select Aircraft:</dt> <dd> <select name="aircraft" id="aircraft"> <option value="">Select the aircraft of this flight</option> <?php foreach($allaircraft as $aircraft) { $sel = ($_POST['aircraft'] == $aircraft->name || $bid->registration == $aircraft->registration)?'selected':''; echo '<option value="'.$aircraft->id.'" '.$sel.'>'.$aircraft->name.' - '.$aircraft->registration.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </dd> <?php // List all of the custom PIREP fields if(!$pirepfields) $pirepfields = array(); foreach($pirepfields as $field) { ?> <dt><?php echo $field->title ?></dt> <dd> <?php // Determine field by the type if($field->type == '' || $field->type == 'text') { ?> <input type="text" name="<?php echo $field->name ?>" value="<?php echo $_POST[$field->name] ?>" /> <?php } elseif($field->type == 'textarea') { echo '<textarea name="'.$field->name.'">'.$field->values.'</textarea>'; } elseif($field->type == 'dropdown') { $values = explode(',', $field->options); echo '<select name="'.$field->name.'">'; foreach($values as $value) { $value = trim($value); echo '<option value="'.$value.'">'.$value.'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; } ?> </dd> <?php } ?> <dt>Fuel Used</dt> <dd><input type="text" name="fuelused" value="<?php echo $_POST['fuelused']; ?>" /> <p>This is the fuel used on this flight in <?php echo Config::Get('LIQUID_UNIT_NAMES', Config::Get('LiquidUnit'))?></p></dd> <dt>Flight Time</dt> <dd><input type="text" name="flighttime" value="<?php echo $_POST['flighttime'] ?>" /> <p>Enter as hours - "5.5" is five hours and thirty minutes</p></dd> <dt>Comment</dt> <dd><textarea name="comment" style="width: 100%"><?php echo $_POST['comment'] ?></textarea></dd> <dt></dt> <dd><?php $bidid = ($bid)?$bid->bidid:$_POST['bid']; ?> <input type="hidden" name="bid" value="<?php echo $bidid ?>" /> <input type="submit" name="submit_pirep" value="File Flight Report" /></dd> </dl> </form> (It's probably not bug free, and use it at your own risk!) Just be aware that you'll have to enter airports manually from the Admin interface when validating PIREPs... Hope it helped ! (
  4. I do have the same issue... Nabeel, could you tell me where the flight hours are being calculated so I can check the calculation process ? Cheers !
  5. if you say so... When entering the PRIEP manually, will I need to enter the HH.mm format or the fraction format ? It's not clear ! Cheers !
  6. Can't you just put php values that goes and look for the corresponding language files ? Cheers
  7. as for me, it was from manual pirep...
  8. Hi nabeel, Long time, no see ! I noticed the other day a bug wich I don't see any reporting it here... When FSACARS sends 01h23min, the systems understands it as 1.23 which is not really the way it is supposed to be calculated ! (more like 1.45) Is the latest build doing that again ?
  9. As always, ready to translate-it in french ! Cheers !
  10. I guess I had the same issue with one of my pilot... Still have to reproduce the error for you nabeel ! Cheers !
  11. Hi nabeel, I discovered a point which is a bit confusing while using firefox or IE : When entering a PIREP manually, firefox limits departure airport to the airports in existing schedules (OK) but IE does not... Is it possible to remove departure airport limitation as we would like our pilot to do some charter flights... and choose their own departure airports... ? Cheers !
  12. He is right ! me too ! As far as I know, dev has made a good progress those last days ! Thanks Nabeel and don't forget to call in reinforcement when needed ;D Cheers !
  13. Good idea, I was thinking about how to do with flights numbers and legs... and how to deal with charter flights... hummmmm... Not really easy !
  14. For me it's working great... weird... Good luck !
  15. Hello, this this topic has already been raised... As far as I remember, do not touch pilot name because it affects google live map... This issue wil be fixed in next version. As for now, the default configuration works for me. (See topic FSACARS and database error) You might have errors in the debug but does not prevent system from receiving PIREP and issuing a OK to the FSACARS client side... Cheers ! ;D
  16. maxwaldorf


    iframe is not search engine friendly and not xhtml compliant... I would rather use <object> tag to insert the other page... You can see the result of an <object> tag at my website Explorer VA In my case, I wrapped phpvms into another system... Up to you !
  17. Hi ! Have you tried to edit /core/templates/fsacars_config.tpl ? Cheers ! ;D
  18. Not shure to understand what you need... ???
  19. Ok, Go to the teplate files in /core/templates/ "schedule_results.tpl". On lines 30 and 40 search : <td nowrap> by <td> And that's it... I don't know if this change will create some other issues... but still, corrects the problem ! PS: WOW, issue solved wile writing the post... lol
  20. I think you forgot 1 zero at least in your offer ! Cheers ! :
  21. Gutten Tag und Wilkommen Zum Phpvms Website ! You can go and check some websites with this topic : VA using Phpvms Good luck ! Cheers
  22. Our logo is simple but the site will rock ! : (French Site but planning to add international pilots one day !) We are not fully working on PHPVMS but embeded it in the website ! Cheers !
  23. Great you think ahead of me ! (I'm only a french guy !) Cheers !
  24. Will we be able to set the currency in Euro ? (You won't get rid of me... ;D ) Cheers
  25. Well in less than 48h we solved some issues We should open a club ! lol ;D
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