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FSVKenny last won the day on June 6 2020

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    Flight Sim, creating scenery and building wedsites

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  1. FSVKenny

    Theme Logo

    Never mind found it
  2. FSVKenny

    Theme Logo

    Hello. I kind of like the seven theme in version 7.0.3. I would like to change the theme logo at the top of page, but I can't find where to make the change
  3. Good news looks like setting the map to 0.0, 0.0 fixt it THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP!!!!!!!!
  4. OK, I ended up deleting everything and uploading v7.0.3. it seems everything is working except the live map.
  5. version 7.0.0-dev, but I'm working now to update to the latest, hoping that will fix the problem. I would appreciate help getting my site operational. I could crate a user login for the tec help. Thank you
  6. I don't know what is going on here, but this just started https://crew.fsvintageair.com/dashboard#stack it's something to do with the live map This is just on the dashboard
  7. Thank you for the help. Can't remember, but it seems I also had to create the channel on discord and there was something on the permissions.
  8. Hello Again! A while back I found documentation on how to have the phpvma v7 to send pirep notifications to a discord channel. Can't remember how I did it, but it was working, but the channel I had set up on discord to receive the prep notifications got deleted. Would anyone know where I might find that documentation? I would be thankful.
  9. That fixt it, thank you for the help!
  10. Hello. I removed my installation of phpVMS 7 about 8 month ago retuning to phpVMSv5, I did not delete the database, just the file of the website. Decided to up the phpVMS 7 backup, as I had backed up all of the site before deleting it from the website host. I reuploaded the phpVMS 7 to the web host and everything is working fine. However in my profile page the email address and the API key is not showing as it was before I deleted the site. Like I said everything else seems to be working fine. Thank you for the help.
  11. FSVKenny

    Stored pages

    I found what you are talking about, but I'm not seeing where the html pages are stored. Can I get to them through my ftp client? I want to edit them from the html side.
  12. FSVKenny

    Stored pages

    phpmyadmin database??
  13. FSVKenny

    Stored pages

    Are the pages stored as html?
  14. FSVKenny

    Stored pages

    Hello, When I add a new page in the "add New", where does phpvms 7 store the page?
  15. Hello! I have setup a cargo flight with the Boeing 377, but it loses money. What is the best way or the right way to setup my cargo fleet? Thank you.
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