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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. HI check your username and password connection settings in your local.config.php file, what its complaining about is a connection from another server to your mysql database, just make sure its localhost that is of course if it is.
  2. I dont have all the aircraft but i do have the following if thats any use, maybe the community could add to the list. 733 735 738 A319 A320 A321 752 763
  3. I have just exported my schedules to update them and when i go to import them its giving me a permissions error, strange thing is nothing has changed and it worked OK the last time i done it. Warning: move_uploaded_file(/public_html/core/cacheschedules.csv) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /public_html/admin/modules/Import/Import.php on line 233 Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpPGI1xV' to '/public_html/core/cacheschedules.csv' in /public_html/admin/modules/Import/Import.php on line 233 Warning: fopen(/public_html/core/cacheschedules.csv) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /public_html/admin/modules/Import/Import.php on line 235 I have had a look at the permissions but they all seem right, the lines its complaining about is, # Fix for bug VMS-325 $temp_name = $_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name']; $new_name = CACHE_PATH.$_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']; line 233 move_uploaded_file($temp_name, $new_name); line 235 $fp = fopen($new_name, 'r'); Any help would be appreciated, what i can gather is the system wont let the uploaded write but where is it trying to upload to? Thanks. Solved Sorry its a permissions on the core folder, i had it set to 755 needs to be 775.....
  4. Hi i just had an idea not sure if it would work but i dont see why not, i have various request to add routes in to my VA that currently are not there, this is because i dont have access to the realworld schedules, however what i was looking to do is create a form pilots could fill in the information and post pending moderation and that data could be imported in to the system. The form would need to contain all the correct fields required for a csv import or even a direct sql import once moderated. The data could be stored directly in to the database, i suppose another table could be created for this and once moderated a click could be put in to the correct phpvms table for the schedules. Just an idea if anyone would like to have a go at this, i don't mind paying either.
  5. I looked at this addon when it was released and had it on my dev server but never actually released it to the main, maybe its time to spend some time and get this up and running on my VA.
  6. HI, I would upload all your files again and check. FTP can screw up things, i used to get loads of problems using ftp.
  7. GUys, On the contact form is there a quick way of showing the pilot ID? for example when they are logged in it sends the form and shows, -name = xxx -subject = xxx -recipient = xxx -message = xxx -loggedin = true (how can i change this to a pilot id?) -ip = xxx -submit = Send Message Thanks.
  8. The error is from xacars, well its not really an error, every pilot who files using xacars when they have finished the flight it will put them there, latt and long of 0 i believe. It files the last position of Latitude: 0.0 Longitude: 0.0
  9. HI, Not quite sure what your trying to do but you dont need to add a domain name to the server all that is needed is the domain name is pointed to where your files are. I run a DC and active directory with many websites being hosted on my server, you just need to make sure the host header value is correctly set when setting up your website.
  10. No one can access unless they are logged in. You just get a redirect back to your home page. Can you post a screenshot?
  11. NO just update the local config with the right user name and password, if you dont know that just use php myadmin to set a new password for your database.
  12. What happened? what did you do for it to go like that, all you needed for vacentral is the code in your local config file, something has screwed up in there.
  13. Ah just replied to that in your other post, its complaining about the username and password used to access the database, have a l;ook at the local.config.php it will be in there
  14. HI where are the files? In your root directory you should have, admin core downloads images lib action.php index.php Thats the basics off the top of my head.
  15. Hi the box round your text can be styled using your css just define a table and style it.
  16. Which one, the one pending registration or the one accepting registrations? They are in the core template folder, if you change them remember to copy to your skins folder. Files you need are email_registered.tpl email_registrationaccepted.tpl
  17. Its probably just kids, and they are probably reading this thread as well. They will get bored eventually.
  18. Yes, Speak with Jeff the creator of kACARS, this is possible as i have it on my va, tracking reports where the pilot has flown Example, http://www.easyjetva.com/index.php/pireps/viewreport/4453
  19. Its in the Pageination.class.php at the bottom where the url are created, This si what i done from line 179 to 204, $output .= sprintf('<a href="' . $link . '">«</a>', '1'); } if ($currentPage > 1){ $output .= sprintf('<a href="' . $link . '"> Previous </a>', $currentPage - 1); } for ($i = $loopStart; $i <= $loopEnd; $i++) { if ($i == $currentPage){ $output .= '' . $i . ' '; } else { $output .= sprintf('<a href="' . $link . '">', $i) . $i . '</a> '; } } if ($currentPage < $totalPages){ $output .= sprintf('<a href="' . $link . '"> Next </a>', $currentPage + 1); } if ($loopEnd != $totalPages){ $output .= sprintf('<a href="' . $link . '">»</a>', $totalPages); } return ' ' . $output . ' '; }
  20. Ah thats an easy fix, its will be a closing div in the code somewhere.
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