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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. yeh just do a search for image rotation on Google, you'll come up trumps. Even better do a search on here i remember pointing someone in that direction before.
  2. Oh well cant please everyone, by the time i got to the bottom of this thread i calmed down a bit but please don't complain about the lack of support here. Please detail your exact problem now you have the attention of most of the expeienced phpvms'ers. and im sure we can help you.
  3. HI is there a way to redirect to the requested page if members are not logged in? For example, someone tries to reach a page that requires them to be logged in so they are firstly directed to the login page then after successfully logging in they are taken to their initial requested page.
  4. I have been doing some work tonight so the file is on hand That will get you the first name lastname and their pilot code. <?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname ?> <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)?>
  5. It depends really, if you have full server access you can control what page is served up first, you can serve up any page my moving it up the priority list, you could have default.html server up before any .php files for example, it really depends how much access you have to the configuration of your server.
  6. Yes Just put the phpvms in a folder in the root of your site and place a php or html page in your root. So your site root would contain a index.php or index.html with links to the folder, myva, the full url would be then www.myva.com/myva
  7. Nabeel, Dave rocks big time The schedules were in excel or i could have put them in top any format but Dave parsed the whole file saved me days of manually doing it. Eternally grateful
  8. In the template tpindex.tpl at the very top <div class="mcright"> and close it off at the bottom
  9. Everything needs to sit between those two divs, class="mcright"
  10. As for modification of the way the list is displayed that is in the code modules pilots and pilots.php
  11. In the registration you need to add the custom field just go to the admin and add custom field "ivao" and "Vatsim" whatever you call them you can then add this to the pilots list, the code is in here somewhere, sorry im, not at my home pc or i would post the code.
  12. Here you go Dave, If you need it in another format just shout. Its not fully complete for the world but i dont think its too far out. Im sure it will cover all the commercial fields. IATA to IACO.zip
  13. Thanks for that Dave im just collecting all the data now ill post it here in about 30 minutes.
  14. Nabeel is there a parser or a way i can make a modification to import schedules to the system from IATA codes insted of ICAO codes? I have a massive sheet with new schedules all listed in IATA codes, i thought id try a sneaky test import and change to the geo names server but didnt work. Im just trying to save me a days work to convert the codes.
  15. HI the form you need to add the divs to is in your template folder its contact_form.tpl, if its not in your skins folder then copy it from the core template folder.
  16. Yes, In that template add a content div to in, At the top <div class="mcright"> and close it off and the bottom of the page.
  17. I can second that, we have just had an updated system from Jeff, always the model businessman and always a pleasure to deal with.
  18. Hey good job Dave, nice to see you still about
  19. Can you post your code for that list and ill have a look, with that code this is the results with my VA but this is on a separate page with an include, http://www.easyjetva.com/Aerosoftid.php
  20. HI just wondering why you want to change the formats? TBH im not sure what would happen if anything, try it on a test server see how it goes
  21. Just navigate to your install folder where kacars is and find the .exe file then click on that and set to run as admin.
  22. OK thats a <div> im not sure how your site is setup but there is a div in the code just remove that.
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