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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. ahh thanks alot!
  2. I did search before. nothing came up... Could you possibly point me in the right direction. thanks, Daniel
  3. the #1002 id how many flights. e.g. #100 - Pilot Name that is the 100th flight... then #111 - Pilot Name that is the 111th flight... thanks
  4. I would like to get recent Pireps to show like this. #1002 - Pilot Name so if they click the #1002 it will take them to the Pirep View. If they click the Pilot name it takes them to their profile. thanks alot!
  5. sorry i didn't make it more clearer list of all Pireps submitted. thanks Daniel
  6. ahh ok. Let me try it out
  7. ok, it's a bit confusing as in the header file there is this <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> and i don't understand where to put. <img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location);?>" alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location);?>" /> More help would be appreciated. thanks
  8. ahh ok. I will try it out.
  9. Could someone tell me how to display their flag next to their pilot id name. e.g. PAV052 Joe Smith thanks alot http://www.pashairvirtual.co.uk/index.php/Frontpage
  10. If there something there all ready so I can link a page so it displays all flights. If not could somebody please Show me how to create a page which shows all the flight filed for the Virtual. thanks, Daniel
  11. yes thats it! thanks
  12. Daniel


    ok, i will try it out now. that didn't work i am afraid.
  13. i have been looking but cant find it.
  14. on the default template when you login at the top right you have that badge thing. Avatar, flights etc. How could i possibly add that to my skin. thanks Daniel
  15. works great. Thanks
  16. -- Delete -- thanks
  17. ahh ok thanks. I will try it know thanks
  18. <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { if(Auth::UserInGroup('Administrators')) { echo '<li><a href="/Forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=16">Staff Forum</a></li>'; } ?> I am using this in the Pilot Center for the staff Forum put i get a syntex error or somthing like that. Does any one have ideas or let me know what i am doing wrong. So only people in the Administrator group can see this link. thanks a lot Daniel
  19. Daniel


    nope didn't work James! any other ideas? np TAV1702 thanks Daniel
  20. Daniel


    ok will do thanks
  21. Daniel


    I have looked in there and I am not too sure. I tried a few things out but no luck. Could you possibly guide what part i have to edit? thanks
  22. Daniel


    Do you know the side bar on the left. New Pilot's etc. It is aligned to the right a little. Well i would like it a bit more to the left. Where abouts can i edit that? thanks Daniel www.pashairvirtual.co.uk
  23. thanks sim pilot!
  24. hey guys, I wonder if someone could help me out with some code. Ok what I would like is if they are in a hub. e.g. EGLL it will display an image. or KLAX it would display another image. etc. Instead of text. You will see if you have a look at. http://www.pashairvirtual.co.uk/index.php/Listing Instead of the text. at the moment i am using this <td><center><strong><?php echo $pilot->hub?></strong></td></center></td> thanks alot Daniel
  25. LOL, I kinda get php now a little but other people may not. I just used this part <?php echo $userinfo->hub;?> thanks Sim Pilot
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