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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. ahh alright thanks
  2. whats ur website?
  3. nope that was for the main page. I am talking about the current months. they are messed up and don't know where to put that div tag thanks
  4. http://www.pashairvirtual.co.uk/index.php/TopPilot/get_old_stats?month=10&year=2010 Would it be possible to tell me which file i can put the <div class="mcright"> to align the stats. thanks Daniel
  5. what part of the css do I edit so that the links are the colors i want. as at the moment they are always blue. Also how did you get the table on your pilot roster. How could i have that. thanks in advance Daniel
  6. Daniel

    Obsess Blue

    ok, thanks
  7. Daniel

    Obsess Blue

    no it was half ok i want to modify it by putting the banner at the top then the menu bar below. could you help me out thanks
  8. Daniel


    ok, when people tried connecting to FS they used to get errors.
  9. Daniel

    Obsess Blue

    yep sorry! http://www.pashairvirtual.co.uk/
  10. Daniel

    Obsess Blue

    hello, Just wondered if anyone could possible help me out with modifying the Obsess blue template? What i would like is for the banner to be at the top then the menu bar then the login. If someone could possibly point me in the right direction that would be great. thanks Daniel
  11. Daniel

    Gap on Template

    sorry i forgot to reply! Yeah thank you Very Much!
  12. Daniel


    ahh but ppl have alot of problems using Kacars and i have never tried Xacars
  13. Daniel


    ok thanks mate
  14. Daniel


    what sorry Nabeel?
  15. Daniel


    When i use FSCars for my flight tracking on the live map it keeps popping off then on. any idea's appreciated. thanks Daniel
  16. Daniel


    http://www.pashairvirtual.co.uk/index.php/profile that is what the url of the image that is supost to be there. (it is not good) and i am using the code you have above. You are more than welcome to register briefly and check it out. thanks Daniel
  17. Daniel


    yes it shows in the Admin Center and on the Public Profile just in the Pilot Center it show like a missing image thanks Daniel
  18. Daniel


    yep, www.pashairvirtual.co.uk the image does not show in the pilot center under 'My Awards' it just shows a box like an image is missing.
  19. Daniel


    but still it does not show the image in the pilot center. could you help me out that with that pls thanks
  20. Daniel


    thanks simpilot! Great Help!!!!!
  21. Daniel


    what is the code for the pilot center so when i give them an award it just shows an image. I know there is one already there but it does not work. thanks Daniel
  22. in the side bar i would like to add total miles flown and pending pilots if possible. could i hv the php please thanks Daniel
  23. thanks
  24. http://www.pashairvirtual.co.uk u see the gap between the slide show and the main menu. could some one tell me what file to edit to make that gap smaller thanks daniel
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