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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    Roster list

    does that go in the pilot list.tpl
  2. Daniel

    Roster list

    i don't understand i just need a clean code please or can you point out please thanks Daniel
  3. Could someone please send me the code so it does not show any of the hubs. It is just one list of pilots. Plus the code to show if they are on Vatsim or Ivao like below. Vatsim/Ivao thanks Daniel
  4. Daniel

    Roster list

    ID Name Rank Flights Hours Vatsim ID IVAO Status How do i only have one of them? for each hub there is table like that. Would it be possible so there is only one table with all pilots in just one list? thanks Daniel
  5. Daniel

    Roster list

    what folder is this in? Thank you
  6. oh and so that it does not show the Hub's. So it is Just one list. Not Like Heathrow Airport Pilots Gatwick Airport Pilots etc thanks
  7. Could someone please send me the php for the pilot roster so if they fly on Vatsim/Ivao. like http://www.greeceairwaysva.com/fss/index.php/pilots thanks Daniel
  8. true
  9. i brought this Topic up due to the fact that i don't think it is noticed. When i post in the forum i get a reply within at least an Hour and i think that is good.
  10. I am Very Happy with all the Support Here. Epically Mark Grant, Jon and lot more people and i think that this should be Noticed. Thank you, Daniel
  11. tried that but still no luck
  12. how do i align it so it is normal on the Obsess Blue Template? as it is way at the bottom Thanks Daniel
  13. thanks
  14. just a Quick Question Auto Retire. How can i set it so once they have not done a flight within 30days it marks them retired. Daniel
  15. Have you got the Script for the Pilot Roster Jon?
  16. How do i change the money unit to Pounds £ i see it but what do i enter? thanks Daniel
  17. ok thanks Jon !
  18. is there way you can edit the pilot id. so it is only 3 numbers not 4. 001 instead of 0001 thanks, Daniel
  19. ok thanks Mark
  20. yes. and the Same for IVAO if they fly on it Tick if not Cross thanks Plus what custom field would i have to add?
  21. I need it so that it does not display the hub anyware on the roster. and i can but an image if they fly on Vatsim or Not like a tick and a cross. So it is just one big list.
  22. and to add if possible. No Hubs in the roster just. Just remove that from the script if possible. So it is just one list. thank you very much in advance.
  23. Could some possibly give me the full script for the pilot_list.tpl to look like this. http://www.easyjetva.com/index.php/pilots and of course i will change the images and color and font etc. Just need the Code Thanks, Daniel Sorry about the description "Can anyone Fix it?"
  24. Daniel

    Pilot Ranks

    It's ok Thank you.
  25. same here. We need some repaints. we have a Design idea just need someone to paint them for FSX and FS2004(FS9). Of Course Willing to Pay. Regards, Daniel
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