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Everything posted by James142

  1. Found the </div> and its back but the airports that have no pilots are still showing up?
  2. aah i see thank you so much!
  3. When i click on the phpvms database (information_schema) the import tab on top disappears? I was looking in the wrong database :S thanks for the help
  4. I cant cause when i right click it, there is no option to run as admin (im using windows 7) Never mind i was looking at the shortcut icon :S, thanks
  5. When i try to connect my VA to KACARS i get this message: And when I connect to my FSX i get this message: Any help?
  6. I have after doing something wrong :S if you look at the same link i did something wrong
  7. Thank you so much! As for the acars info in the scrolling marquee, I put this code in the layout.tpl: <div class="green_background"> <?php $pilotsflying = count(ACARSData::GetACARSData()); echo '<marquee align="left" direction="left" onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();" behavior="scroll" width="900">'; if($pilotsflying > 0) { echo 'There is currently '.$pilotsflying.' XACARS flight(s) - Click <a href="'.SITE_URL.'/index.php/acars">here</a> to view'; } else { echo 'There are currently no XACARS flights'; } echo '</marquee>'; ?></div> Then put this code into the Style.css file: .green_background{ border:solid 1px #349534; background:#6DFC6F; color:#008000; font-weight:bold #000000; font color:#000000; padding:4px; text-align:center; }
  8. If you click on this link: http://flyirelandva....ndex.php/pilots, you can see the list keeps repeating itself in every airport? How do I get rid of the airport heading thats on top? The code that I have in the pilots_list.tpl file is: <h3><?php echo $title?></h3> <?php $roster = PilotData::getAllPilots(); ?> <?php if(!$roster) { echo 'There are no pilots!'; return; } ?> <table id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th>Pilot ID</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Rank</th> <th>Flights</th> <th>Hours</th> <th>HUBs</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($roster as $pilot) { ?> <tr> <td width="1%" nowrap> <img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location);?>" alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location);?>" /> <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/profile/view/<?php echo $pilot->pilotid?>"> <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)?></a> </td> <td> <center><?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname?></center> </td> <center><td><img src="<?php echo $pilot->rankimage?>" alt="<?php echo $pilot->rank;?>" /></td></center> <center><td><?php echo $pilot->totalflights?></td></center> <center><td><?php echo Util::AddTime($pilot->totalhours, $pilot->transferhours); ?></td></center> <center><td><?php echo $pilot->hub?></td></center> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table>
  9. there are [color="#666600"]<?[/color]php echo count[color="#666600"]([/color][color="#660066"]ACARSData[/color][color="#666600"]::[/color][color="#660066"]GetACARSData[/color][color="#666600"]());?>[/color] xacars flights [color="#666600"]-[/color] click [color="#666600"]<[/color]a href[color="#666600"]=[/color][color="#008800"]"<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/acars"[/color][color="#666600"]>[/color]here[color="#666600"]</[/color]a[color="#666600"]>[/color] to view
  10. When i try to upload the .sql file to the the sql tables? when I upload the sql tables, it says something lie this: 1046 - No database selected, How to I select a database?
  11. That is brilliant, thank you so much!! James
  12. I'm not so great with php coding, but where do i put the if($pilotsflying > 0) { Do Stuff } ? I have tried putting the code all over the place but it doesnt work? one way i did it was this way: <marquee align="left" direction="left" onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();" behavior="scroll" width="600"></i>There are <?php echo count(ACARSData::GetACARSData());?> if($pilotsflying > 0) { <i>currently no</i> } xacars flights - </i><b>click here to view </b></marquee></ which is wrong as it does not come out There are if($pilotsflying > 0) { <i>currently no</i> } xacars flights - </i><b>click here to view. sorry if this seems like a stupid question:S, James
  13. I was also just thinking, is there anyway to make the text to not show up when there are no xacar flights?
  14. Thats great! thank you so much!
  15. I was looking for this code as I want to put a link on the frond page saying: there are 5 xacars flights - click hee to view Thanks for all the help, james
  16. ah thats cool, let me know how your going if you manage to start it in your spare time , James
  17. Putting the link inside the pilot center is a good idea! Thanks!
  18. I was wondering if there was a link pilots could go to and fill out a form to deactivate their account. If there isnt, how could i make a page with boxes to fill out like name, why you want to deactivate your account ect.. and how could i make the pilot prove its him who is sending it and not someone playing a joke? if that makes sence :S Thanks, James
  19. Great thanks!
  20. I have noticed a contact_form.tpl file in core > templates ?? is there a way to use this on the website? cause i could really use it I have searched the forums but found nothing aabout this file. Thanks, James
  21. Thanks alot!!
  22. How do i upload the .sql file to the sql database? every time I upload it to phpmyadmin i get this error: 1046 - No database selected
  23. Yes I have the start/dest airports entered into the admin panel properly. But if its the XACARS that wont send the date, thats fine, thanks, James
  24. aaah, why did I not see that?! Im so stupid :L Thanks for the help! James
  25. I know this is a stupid question, but what do i upload to the sql database? :S thanks, james
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