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Everything posted by James142

  1. Anyone got any tips on recruiting pilots for your va? if you look at mine you can see that its going downhill fast thanks, james
  2. Hello, I was making a page on my site for pilots which has discount codes for them to use on flight sim websites, but i wanted them to only be able to access the page when they have completed a certain number of flying hours (so people wont just join to ge tthe discount then never being seen flying with the va again) So I was wondering if there was a code for this? Thanks, James
  3. James142

    Beta Site 1.1

    In your local.config file change this code: # Google Map Options Config::Set('MAP_WIDTH', '800px'); Config::Set('MAP_HEIGHT', '600px');
  4. No prob thats great, thanks!
  5. in the local.config see if the code is set to this (line 53, 54): Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', true); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', false);
  6. Ah well, ill put something else in its place on the badge for the meantime.
  7. In your .css file (style.css) but something like: #sample { width: auto; height: auto; margin: 10px; background: transparent url("--LINK TO THE BACKGROUND IMAGE YOU WANT HERE--") no-repeat; } } then in your layout.tpl replace the <marquee direction="left" behavior="scroll"> YOUR TEXT HERE </marquee> with: <marquee direction="left" id="sample" behavior="scroll"> YOUR TEXT HERE </marquee> You will need to edit the coding for the .css file in order for the image to be in the correct position..
  8. nvm i thought it was a mistake instead of putting powered by Powered by the awesome phpvms or something. ..doesnt matter
  9. FlyAero Virtual - http://www.flyaerova.com/
  10. You need to do loops in the routes like: EGKK - EGLL EGLL - EIDW EIDW - EGCC EGCC - EGKK IF there is no aircraft at LEMB you cannot do that flight.
  11. <marquee direction="left" behavior="scroll"> YOUR TEXT HERE </marquee>
  12. Whats up with the "Powered by awesome. Powered by phpVMS." at the bottom? anyways cool site!
  13. Hello, I was wondering if there was a code to say if a pilot is online or offline on the website in the badge/signature? I have being looking around the forums but found nothing.. Thanks, James
  14. I was bored
  15. /lib/skins/background
  16. James142


    ---- IE8 mucked up and sent the post twice, sorry------
  17. James142


    I don't know if it would be any help but you could try http://iconarchive.com/ ?
  18. Ill have a look at the ts3 forums, thanks!
  19. Hello, I was wondering if it was possable to put the latest news from your phpvms website into a channel discription on a teamspeak 3 server? Thanks, James
  20. Ok never mind, I just reinstalled phpvms and it worked, Thanks for the support guys! James
  21. Ok never mind, i ran into more problems so I just reinstalled phpvms,. Thanks for the support guys! James
  22. Add <LINK rel="shortcut icon" href="-----your icons location----">
  23. That fixed the double slash problem (//) thanks but kACARS (and any other ACARS system) still wont recive any data from the site Thanks, James
  24. I removed all the javescript but that still did not work. So I changed the template and that failed to work too. Do you think i should just reinstall phpvms?
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