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Everything posted by James142

  1. Oh i see, thanks
  2. I have searched but found nothing about where to get rank images in the forums? Am i missing something
  3. Anyone know i good place to get good rank images? Im a too busy to make them in photoshop right now thanks
  4. Wheres the "powered by phpVMS" at the bottom of your site?
  5. James142

    VMSEditor 1.1

    Thats great! thanks
  6. James142

    VMSEditor 1.1

    1. There is no download file 2. Will it make those annoying "?" marks on the homepage?
  7. I spend all day trying to fix the texture and it all comes down to something as simple as that!
  8. I have posed a possable solution here: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4598-solved-repainting-aircraft-doesnt-look-right-in-fsx/page__pid__30645 | It was stupid of me to make a forum post on the same topic, should have kept it here :S
  9. Do you want me to remove the [solved] at the start? Also quick question, are you using the DXTBMP program to save your texture? Cause if you are, make sure you untick the box that says "Include when saving" on the right then save it as a .bmp file. This stops it from being blurry in fs
  10. Im having the same problem, it looks good in photoshop but when i load in in fsx it goes all blurry :S
  11. Quick question, Im making a repaint (project opensky 737 paintkit) and in photoshop it looks good but once i put it into fsx it looks blurry! Its ment to be saved in a .bmp format but how do i make them good quality? Thanks - IF you need images of it, ask and ill upload them and give the link EDIT: Never mind, i was saving it as a dxt3 file..
  12. Oh ok
  13. Oll google it noe, but do you know what the effect is called in photoshop because i dont really know what to look for :S thanks
  14. Quick question, im doing a fictional repaint (so cant use photos to use) and i was wondering if anyone knows how to add scratch marks on the tail and "dirt" on the plane (like the way real planes are when they get older). This is proberl not the best way to explain it but i hope you get what i mean.. Thanks for any suggestions, James
  15. Whats wrong with the one you did? Its great! How d you get the "dirt" on the tail fin?
  16. Switch the <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/registration"><strong>Register</strong></a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/login'); ?>"><strong>Pilot Log In</strong></a></li> With the <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/downloads"><strong>Downloads</strong></a></li> ?
  17. Better late then never
  18. I cant get to the page because i have to log in to view it. Can you take a snapshot of it or something?
  19. Search the forums.. ..look for simpilot's RealScheduleLite module...
  20. I didnt even notice that it was a different person asking where to change it :S goes to show how observant i am..
  21. Im still not sure what your looking for, but if your looking for the code that turns the text colour orange when you hover over it, try this: Look for this in the style.css (on line 19 from the bottom) a:hover {text-decoration:underline;color:#ea4900;} then change the #ea4900 to what ever colour you like (for the colours: www.colorpicker.com)
  22. What text are you talking about?
  23. The schedule search has somehow "fixed itself" overnight. I think im just going to leave the slideshow error alone because i have no clue how javascript works so i would just make the situaltion 10 times worse Anyway thanks for the help again james
  24. Hi, i downloaded firebug and its telling me that there is an error with this part of the code: <script type="text/javascript"> // initialize slideshow (Cycle) $(document).ready(function() { if ($('#Slides').length > 0) { $('#Slides').cycle({ fx: 'scrollHorz', speed: 1000, timeout: 6000, randomizeEffects: true, easing: 'easeOutCubic', next: '.slideNext', prev: '.slidePrev', pager: '#slidePager', cleartypeNoBg: false }); } }); </script> It says the cleartypeNoBg: false part is wrong. Then if i remove tht part of the code it tells me that pager: '#slidePager', part is wrong? Is there code missing or something? ( i have no clue on how javascript works) Thanks again
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