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Everything posted by austin4362

  1. Do you have free hosting? For some reason this seems to be a problem when VA's use free hosting, the aircraft usually dont show up either.
  2. Try 666 and what exactly are you trying to edit?
  3. Does it have Write permissions in your FTP right click on it and hit File Permissions?
  4. Its an apache error try putting this in your .htaccess file "Options -MultiViews" Although, if you use GoDaddy.com as your domain host you have to do a base rewrite to the path you are using. Hope this helps
  5. It should, are you sure you are uploading it in the right place?
  6. Is their any way to mass delete pilots from the roster instead of going into their profiles and doing it one by one? Thanks! -Austin
  7. Works 100% Thanks!
  8. Well im sure there is but why would you need this? The ACARS shows if they are in flight, and if they arent using any type of ACARS there is no way to see if they are flying a flight for your airline or not.
  9. But that wouldnt cause it to crash for every single pilot, i have over 100 and at least 40 said it wont work.
  10. Did that and it wont even start now
  11. Yes I am, i have also tried running it in compatibility mode for Windows XP Service Pack 3 and still no luck.
  12. Well there isnt much information to give, it just says "kACARS Has stopped responding" and it gives you the option to close, find a solution and, try to resume. Then, when i hit find solution, nothing comes up. Does kACARS have compatibility issues with Win 7? And this never happened to me when i used a free version of kACARS.
  13. Yes of course
  14. Nope.
  15. My airline recently purchased a custom version of kACARS. Although, now when i open it, and navigate to another program such as flight sim, it crashes. This isn't only happening to me. Im running Windows 7 x64. Anyone have any possible solutions in mind?
  16. Yes this is completely possible. When you are making your routes in the CSV file just add the same route with different aircraft. Just make sure you uncheck the "Delete Multiple Routes" Box.
  17. Go to your admin panel -> Site and Settings -> Profile Fields Make sure if you check that you want them to show up on the registration page.
  18. Looks Great Tory! Austin
  19. Hi Ahmad, To answer your question, yes it does send them an automated email. You can find the email templates in core/templates. This specific one would be email_retired.tpl. Hope this helps. -Austin
  20. Maybe this will help http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2989-touchdownstats-10/page__st__120__p__34370__hl__%2Blanding+%2Brate__fromsearch__1#entry34370
  21. --Wrong Thread-- Deleted
  22. Looks Correct
  23. Personally, I started up a training department where when pilots join, they take a basic exam, if they pass, they are permitted to begin flying, if they don't they are sent to the training department to get "remedial training" if you will. As with the documentation of flights, my hub managers check the log and make sure there was no huge mistakes made. Im not 100% sure what you mean, like a record book for when you train pilots? As for the website stuff, thats not a good question for me i'm not all that great at websites.
  24. Thanks!
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