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Looking for VA's to test AIRmail system [DEPRECATED]

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I noticed after I installed the AirMail, my acars config files are messed up.

Below is the error I get when I click on any of the Config files.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php:131) in /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 83

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php:131) in /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 84

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php:131) in /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 85
[Log] Log=http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/pirep Mail= URL=http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/ACARS/fsacars passwd= [FSacars] CompanyICAO=AKA CompanyName=Alaska Adventures CompanySite=http://www.flyaka.com UnitSystem=GB Remarks=RMK/ UseLocal=0 PilotNumber=AKA100 CompanyIATA=FLIGHT # CallsignUses= AcarsSite=http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/acars StatusSite=http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/status FPSite=http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/flightplans AcarsUplinkResetSite= AcarsUplinkSite= Antic= [Events] UseCargo=0 FlapsEvent=1 ToutchDownEvent=1 TOLDPosEvent=1 TOCTODEvent=1 ComFreqEvent=1 GearEvent=1 FlightLengthEvent=1 VrV2Event=1 PIREPEvent=1 FlightPosEvent=1 N1Event=1 DurationEvent=1 FuelEvent=1 WeightEvent=1 MetarsEvent=1 DistLandEvent=1 [Realism] NoSlew=0 NoPause=0 Crash=0 PIC=0 MinReset=0 MaxReset=0 Wave= [sendLog] Password=0 PilotNumber=1 Date=1 Hour=1 Callsign=1 IATAN=1 Regist=1 Depart=1 Arrival=1 Alternate=1 PlaneType=1 SpentFuel=1 IniFuel=0 EndFuel=0 Dur=1 Len=1 TD=1 ZFW=1 Log=1 Version=1

Any idea whats going on.

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I noticed after I installed the AirMail, my acars config files are messed up.

Below is the error I get when I click on any of the Config files.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php:131) in /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 83

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php:131) in /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 84

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php:131) in /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 85
[Log] Log=http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/pirep Mail= URL=http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/ACARS/fsacars passwd= [FSacars] CompanyICAO=AKA CompanyName=Alaska Adventures CompanySite=http://www.flyaka.com UnitSystem=GB Remarks=RMK/ UseLocal=0 PilotNumber=AKA100 CompanyIATA=FLIGHT # CallsignUses= AcarsSite=http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/acars StatusSite=http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/status FPSite=http://www.flyaka.com/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/flightplans AcarsUplinkResetSite= AcarsUplinkSite= Antic= [Events] UseCargo=0 FlapsEvent=1 ToutchDownEvent=1 TOLDPosEvent=1 TOCTODEvent=1 ComFreqEvent=1 GearEvent=1 FlightLengthEvent=1 VrV2Event=1 PIREPEvent=1 FlightPosEvent=1 N1Event=1 DurationEvent=1 FuelEvent=1 WeightEvent=1 MetarsEvent=1 DistLandEvent=1 [Realism] NoSlew=0 NoPause=0 Crash=0 PIC=0 MinReset=0 MaxReset=0 Wave= [sendLog] Password=0 PilotNumber=1 Date=1 Hour=1 Callsign=1 IATAN=1 Regist=1 Depart=1 Arrival=1 Alternate=1 PlaneType=1 SpentFuel=1 IniFuel=0 EndFuel=0 Dur=1 Len=1 TD=1 ZFW=1 Log=1 Version=1

Any idea whats going on.

Replace your Mail.php file in the core/modules/Mail folder with the attached. There was an extra blank space after the closing php tag that was creating the issue I believe, it works correctly on my test site now.  ;)

Mail.zipFetching info...

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Unread AIRmail items function

Attached are updated Mail.php and MailData.class.php files.

Overwrite the existing files in your phpVMS install and it will give you a function to show a pilot how many unread AIRmail's they have.

When you want to show the number of unread AIRmail's you need to use ->

<?php MainController::Run('Mail', 'checkmail', '') ?>

To make it only show when the pilot is logged in you can do something like this example ->

//Show this if the pilot is not logged in
You Have <?php MainController::Run('Mail', 'checkmail', '') ?> Unread AIRmail Items

You can use the function however you would like - I have embeded it into the pilot bar that shows at the top of my test site that only shows when the pilot is logged in ->


I will be putting images to it as I move along. 

Have fun and GO FLY! ;)

AIRmail1.1.zipFetching info...

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When someone sends out a message, and does not put in a subject. The receiver can't open the email.

Overwrite Mail.php in core/modules/Mail with the attached Mail.php file. It now includes a function that if the subject line is left blank it will put "(No Subject)" in the subject line of the AIRmail which will give you the link to open the mail in your inbox.  ;)

Mail_1.2.zipFetching info...


Ok, when sending an airmail I noticed it looked bad, the "Airmail sent! message, so I created my own mail_send.tpl template that matches my skin.

This looks much better.  I wanted to pass this on to the rest of you. I went in to core/modules/Mail/mail.php and made the following changes:

I removed this code:

echo "<center><h2>AIRmail sent!</h2></center>";

and changed:





Just use one of the other templates provided and change the name, drop in your skins folder naturally.

  • Administrators
Ok, when sending an airmail I noticed it looked bad, the "Airmail sent! message, so I created my own mail_send.tpl template that matches my skin.

Sorry it looked bad Roger but as stated originally...

You can modify the templates to match your skin if you would like, they are supplied with just basic markup at this point.
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, great module, just starting building new site for virtual norwegian , being a html/php noob, I find this community very helpfull and I learning mutch by the hour I work with the pages.

During some test messages I saw that if i deleted them before I read them, the "you got # Unread items" still show new items. Not a biggy, I just changed the readstatment in the database. Normally people read their mail before deleting :P

Thank you for sharing!


Hey, I wondering how this got resolved because I'm dealing with it also:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/vdefense/public_html/ultrair-virtual.org/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php:131) in /home/vdefense/public_html/ultrair-virtual.org/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 132

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/vdefense/public_html/ultrair-virtual.org/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php:131) in /home/vdefense/public_html/ultrair-virtual.org/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 133

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/vdefense/public_html/ultrair-virtual.org/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php:131) in /home/vdefense/public_html/ultrair-virtual.org/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 134

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Hey, I wondering how this got resolved because I'm dealing with it also:

Download the last Mail.php in the thread (located near the bottom of page 3) and it will also include the unread mail function for your use. The issue is caused by a blank space after the closing php tag from the original file.

Let me know if this does not fix it but it seems to have solved the issue for most.

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During some test messages I saw that if i deleted them before I read them, the "you got # Unread items" still show new items. Not a biggy, I just changed the readstatment in the database. Normally people read their mail before deleting :P

Thank you for sharing!

Thanks for the heads up, I will build this into the final version, I should have it up in the next week or so, been working on a few new features as well.


Hi everyone. I'm new here and giving this system a go for the first time. This script was the first add on that I have tried and it works a treat!  A few skinning issues that I will sort out obviously. Great generic mark ups though right off the bat to get started with.

Great job on this one!  However, I do agree that a drop down box with pilot ID's would be nice. Can't wait to see if that ever happens. I'll be using this mail script for as long as I use this system.

Thanks again


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Thanks for the positive comments, the Airmail system is really still in beta, I am working on a final version now that incorporates a lot of the features that have been suggested throughout the thread. Taking a little longer than expected, real world things have gotten in the way, but hopefully by the end of the month I will have a final.  ;)

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The Airmail module will not function as of the 763 beta, it will have to be reconfigured to conform to the new functions code. I am going to build the new code into the next version, may be a little while though...

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