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well first of all, i am very happy about phpVMS. I bought that commercial version vabase first and was so disappointed. Then i found phpVMS and well.. wow.. :D

Now i managed almost everything but the finances. I totally do not understand the system. When i fly, it puts in random values for "This is the price of fuel, $ per kg". Sometimes over 1million $ and so on. Can someone explain it? I found that manual but it wasnt very usefull.



  • Administrators

I have to rewrite the manual on how it works.

Where are you getting random values?

I think there's a guide in the FAQ. But in the next update, it will be clearer.

Basically, your aircraft you enter the max load.

Then the fuel price is either gotten from the phpVMS API server, or the price you enter.

Then the load will be between 75-100% of the max load you enter, times the ticket price for that route. Then the fuel cost is calculated. Then subtracted from each other to get that end price.

  • Administrators

Yep, it's a little unclear on where the values are coming from. It's been updated for the next version to be clear.

The fuel price is the total cost of fuel for that PIREP. It would be a fuel cost as KMIA times the fuel used. So it used 8364 kb of fuel, and the total prices came out to 35045.2, so  35045.2/8364 = 4.19$/kg for fuel, which seems about right (looking at http://api.phpvms.net/fuel/get/kmia, which is the current fuel price).

Load was 122, where the maximum for that aircraft is 180. That makes about sense, it's not always a full flight. I'm not sure what the price for that schedul is (the flight number is missing?), but it would be 122 * price, minus that 35045.2 = revenue for the flight. This is made clearer in the next version, but if you goto the finances for the current month, you'll be able to see a clear tabulation of the totals.

Hope that helps!


well, the problem is, that i had like 100,000,000,000$ minus on the totals.. when i then manually change all the PIREPs to Fuel Price=0 then i have at least a positive amount of money but i dont think that this is correct like that.

  • Administrators

Well, we can see what's going on by setting one aircraft to 100 passengers, and a schedule to 100$. Then pick an airport, and set that fuel price to 1$. When you file the PIREP for that schedule, say you used 100 gallons of fuel. Then when you view the PIREP, the numbers should make sense.


okay i think i found the problem but will first check it for one week until i post it here.. anyway, when do you think you will publish the update or new version? and if its a new version, can i just update the old one?  :)

  • Administrators

Yup, there's always an update option. You can even use the beta's if you're brave, I'm pushing builds nearly every day (sometimes a few times a day). But you have to keep upto date with those.

I'm hoping by the end of the month.


I think you will find that your Miami price is per US gallon or about 6.7 lbs.  I think you may wish to take a closer look at your fuel calculations Nabeel.  As it stands, using real world fuel costs, it may very well be calculating weight using the cost per gallon.

As far as the fuel costs being in the millions....stop parking by the default fuel station in FS at the end of your flight.  If your tanks fill automatically before you stop your log and you end up with more fuel at the end of your flight than when you started your log, FSAcars has a conniption.



  • Administrators

I think you will find that your Miami price is per US gallon or about 6.7 lbs.  I think you may wish to take a closer look at your fuel calculations Nabeel.  As it stands, using real world fuel costs, it may very well be calculating weight using the cost per gallon.

I'm not sure what you mean?

The prices come from airnav.com, like for KBOS it's 6.40, which I'm assuming is per gallon. FSACARS should be set to return the fuel in gallons, but I will double check that


No, FSAcars returns fuel in pounds or kilos.  So if it is set to pounds in the FSAcars ini file that would give you an error of 6.7 times.  (Jet A is around 6.7 lbs per  US gallon)

For this reason, I have set my fuel costs to $1 at all airports for now.  This gives us a fuel cost of around $6.70 a gallon.  At least, that is the way it seems to be working out.



  • Administrators

Hmm, I will definately check that out today.

What does it return the fuel in also? Isn't it also pounds? The usage. So that number, 100lbs * 6.17 $/lbs = right value, no? That should depend on the value in the INI so it won't matter since the units cancel. At least according to the FSACARS docs that should be right.

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