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Been messing with it all day and sick of trying now... here's my configs

Removed the password offcourse.

Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_SERVER', 'ftp://server72.hosting2go.nl');
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PORT', '21');
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_USER', 'fgroeneveldt');
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PASS', ''); 
Config::Set('FSFK_IMAGE_PATH', '/subdomains/va/httpdocs/lib/fsfk'); // web path from SITE_ROOT

Also i had to open the va-template, copy and paste all the download urls and then fill in the liveacars myself, that download url thing doesn't work i think.

Further... i have someone with fsacars that filled in everything fine, but start log button remains greyed out.

any help please :)

  • Administrators

The download URL works - post your va-template file.

For the FTP - when you log into FTP, what's the directory path tot he /lib/fsfk folder?

it's probably has to be:

Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_SERVER', 'ftp://server72.hosting2go.nl/subdomains/va/httpdocs/lib/fsfk');
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PORT', '21');
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_USER', 'fgroeneveldt');
Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PASS', '');
Config::Set('FSFK_IMAGE_PATH', '/lib/fsfk');

Passive mode is set to true.

Post your va-template, it will most likely be correct


Just to make sure.....you put the VA-template.txt file in your "/documents/FS Flight Keeper/Templates/", not your "/Program Files/FS Flight Keeper/Templates/" folder.  That is what I did, at least.  Not sure if that helps or not, but it did for me.


Ok I read the doc on how to setup and use from the end user point of view. You mention a FSFK folder in lib...... I do not have that. I am really trying to get this working before I need to split and go to chicago.

Can point me in the right direction?

For the record, I have set up my config file and saved it just like if I DID have that folder in lib.

Thanks guys.


  • Administrators

Make a folder in lib called fsfk (all lower case)

Then setup the FTP settings in the app.config (copy them to local.config). that should be it


ok cool. Thats what I did. I even went into FSFK and installed the live ACARS device, but when I get my fp all setup and try to connect, it tells me that it cant connect ( server response: Live Acars server not found (404).

I will investigate and see if this is a Ray error or FSFK issue that I skipped.


Ok so I am a dork. I think I got it figured out but not sure. I ned to go and read the help file for FSFK. When I ran the installer, I did not realize that I had to install it to each aircraft I have installed or something like that. BUT it dont list all the aircraft that I have installed.


Alright got it working, but one problem remains, it uploads my map files to main install directory i can't get it to upload to lib/fsfk/ but i don't really care, they fit fine in the main directory with me and works but don't ask me how... somehow it just started working :S.

  • Administrators

Because in:

Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_SERVER', 'ftp://server72.hosting2go.nl/subdomains/va/httpdocs/lib/fsfk');

You have to put the path to the lib/fsfk folder after the ftp server. So if you FTP to your server, and you start in the home folder, then inside that you have public_html, and inside that it's phpvms and then lib/fsfk you put



you are on the complete wong side tha acars instaqller has nothin to do with fsfk working with vms

Not leaving til tomorrow night now and have some time to kill. From the error I posted, does it seem that that is indeed my issue is the installer? When I clicked on the acars device installer, it popped up a screen that listed all of my aircraft BUT my payware and freeware. Oops, that was a lie. It picked up 2 of my payware.  So I take it this is the wrong place to be?

Other then that, I think I am good to go. I got it to connect to flight sim and all.

Thanks for the help on this. I appreciate it.


Well, I am back from Chicago land and am going to give this another go tonight and see how it works out. I am about 5 days behind everyone else now so it is going to take me the rest of the night to catch up.


in the installer you have to refresh then it will pickup all the planes

So that is my live acars server problem then? I need to install the guage to get it to work and connect with my website? As far as the config file and all goes, I am quite sure I have it set up correct and the template text file is in my documents  fsfk folder as it should be.

My apologies for sounding like a complete moron. I am known around the Flight sim world as default master. I use NOTHING addon what so ever normally.

  • Administrators


What's the problem again? Did you try the configuration in FSFK which I posted? I think it was in the other thread, I posted a screenshot of my config. Give that a try. I didn't have to install anything in my aircraft.

  • Moderators

So that is my live acars server problem then? I need to install the guage to get it to work and connect with my website? As far as the config file and all goes, I am quite sure I have it set up correct and the template text file is in my documents  fsfk folder as it should be.

My apologies for sounding like a complete moron. I am known around the Flight sim world as default master. I use NOTHING addon what so ever normally.

you are mixin 2 thing together

tha acars installer is only for your OWN use it has nothing to do with phpvms

you need to set up like the screens and nothing more and also the correct setup off you flight so it can connect to the website.

gr joeri


I am going to setup mine exactly how you showed in the other one right now Nabeel.

And Ok on the live acars server thing. I thought the guage was a must do to make it all work like it should. Now that I know that, I'll go setup everything as posted in the screen shots. If that don't work, then I know I have an FTP issue I suppose.

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