massilia68 Posted November 26, 2013 Report Posted November 26, 2013 Hello, I would like to know how you do to integrate a button that opens page with Full LiveMap. Is it possible to put a different InAir for each airline on LiveMap? Thank you! Quote
Strider Posted November 26, 2013 Report Posted November 26, 2013 no, it is not, as the live map is taken from the same source, you would have to create a few different js files, maybe even modules. Also you would need to create 360 images of the aircraft icons to represent the points of the compass so the plane faces the correct direction Quote
massilia68 Posted November 26, 2013 Author Report Posted November 26, 2013 Yes that's exactly it, I already view what will a full LiveMap, it does not bother me ccréer icons, but I rather struggle with the js. How I could do to put a different InAir the for each airline is LiveMap you know? Quote
Strider Posted November 26, 2013 Report Posted November 26, 2013 you would have to create modules for the maps and a new js for it. Quote
skylineVirtual Posted November 26, 2013 Report Posted November 26, 2013 You can simply create the 360 images with an easy php script: <?php $count = 0; while ($count < 360){ $filename = 'orig.png'; $rotang = -$count; // Rotation angle $source = imagecreatefrompng($filename) or die('Error opening file '.$filename); imagealphablending($source, false); imagesavealpha($source, true); $rotation = imagerotate($source, $rotang, imageColorAllocateAlpha($source, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($rotation, false); imagesavealpha($rotation, true); header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($rotation, "rotate/{$count}.png"); imagedestroy($source); imagedestroy($rotation); $count = $count + 1; } ?> Put this php file into a directory and add a folder called rotate and name your original image orig.png and make sure it is oriented this way: (PLEASE! Don't just use our inair icon Be creative and create one of your own. It isn't that hard) Upload it to the directory you have saved the folder the php file is in and run the script. If everything worked out as it should you will have 360 images in your rotate folder, already named according to the phpvms way . You only have to put these into the innair folder. This is how everything worked out for me. 1 Quote
massilia68 Posted November 26, 2013 Author Report Posted November 26, 2013 Hello, thank you for your help to make the 360 pictures that I can do. What I can not do is create a script that put a InAir airline for each entry (for exemple : Airfrance InAIR Blue, Transavia InAir green ...). Thank you Quote
skylineVirtual Posted November 26, 2013 Report Posted November 26, 2013 Go into your acarsmap.js file around line 100 you should find this: var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); flightMarkers[flightMarkers.length] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pos, map: map, icon: url+"/lib/images/inair/"+data[i].heading+".png", flightdetails: data[i], infowindow_content: detailed_bubble }); Now you can modify this a bit. If you have two airlines with the defined airline codes SLN and SLK for example then your code you would have to exchange with the part I mentioned above would look like this: if (data[i].code == "SLN"){ var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); flightMarkers[flightMarkers.length] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pos, map: map, icon: url+"/lib/images/inair/"+data[i].heading+".png", flightdetails: data[i], infowindow_content: detailed_bubble }); } else if (data[i].code == "SLK"){ var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); flightMarkers[flightMarkers.length] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pos, map: map, icon: url+"/lib/images/inair2/"+data[i].heading+".png", flightdetails: data[i], infowindow_content: detailed_bubble }); } Notice that you will have to change the line containing this (data[i].code == "SLK") and add customize the airline code. Then you have to change this line: icon: url+"/lib/images/inair2/"+data[i].heading+".png", so that the right icon get's selected. This code would use the images from the folder "inair" for the airline SLN and the images from folder "inair2" for the airline SLK. Hope this helps and don't forget to backup the file before you change something so if something get's messed up you will be able to recover the original status. Quote
mseiwald Posted November 26, 2013 Report Posted November 26, 2013 an easier solution is just making it like this : var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); flightMarkers[flightMarkers.length] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pos, map: map, icon: url+"/lib/images/inair/"+data[i].code+"/"+data[i].heading+".png", flightdetails: data[i], infowindow_content: detailed_bubble }); and then inside the inair folder just make seperate folders named for each 3 letter code so if you have the inair folder create folders inside like "SLK", "SLN", with the inair images for each airline in it Quote
mseiwald Posted November 26, 2013 Report Posted November 26, 2013 oh and btw what is a Full LiveMap? Quote
skylineVirtual Posted November 26, 2013 Report Posted November 26, 2013 I think he meant a full screen livemap Quote
massilia68 Posted November 27, 2013 Author Report Posted November 27, 2013 Hello thank you all everything works perfectly! One last thing and I do bothers you more, really would be nice if you could tell me how to put a button to enlarge LiveMap? Thank you very much Quote
skylineVirtual Posted November 27, 2013 Report Posted November 27, 2013 I'm not very experienced with javascript and there are probably better ways to solve this problem (maybe with jquery or stuff like that) but I got it to work like this: Just add these lines of code to the end of your acarsmap.tpl file: <script type="text/javascript"> function makebig(){ var button = document.getElementById("button"); var buttoncontent = button.value; if (buttoncontent == "Make big"){ var elem = document.getElementById("acarsmap"); = "800px"; = "800px"; button.value = "Make small"; } else { var elem = document.getElementById("acarsmap"); = "<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_WIDTH');?>"; = "<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_HEIGHT')?>"; button.value = "Make big"; } }; </script> <input type="button" id="button" onclick="makebig()" value="Make big"> Then change these lines according to your needs: = "800px"; = "800px"; If you want to change the values then you have to really be careful to change every value that comes up in those lines. For example if you want to change "Make big" to "Big" you will have to change it if (buttoncontent == "Make big"){ here and button.value = "Make big"; here and <input type="button" id="button" onclick="makebig()" value="Make big"> here If anyone has some suggestion on how to improve the code then I'd be happy to know. -Lauritz Quote
massilia68 Posted November 27, 2013 Author Report Posted November 27, 2013 Thank you Skyline all that helped me a lot! Is it possible to open the map in full on another page ? Quote
skylineVirtual Posted November 27, 2013 Report Posted November 27, 2013 Ok, then I didn't quite understand what you wanted at first. It's possible of course. I'm going to look at that tomorrow. Quote
massilia68 Posted November 27, 2013 Author Report Posted November 27, 2013 There are no worries thank you, your help makes me enormously ! Quote
skylineVirtual Posted November 30, 2013 Report Posted November 30, 2013 Ok, I've coded the full screen module for you Put this in your ACARS.php Module: public function viewmapbig() { $this->set('acarsdata', ACARSData::GetACARSData()); $this->render('acarsmapbig.tpl'); } Then you have to create a new template file in your "phpvms/lib/skins/YOURSKINFOLDER/" folder named acarsmapbig.tpl which contains the following stuff: <head> <style type="text/css"> html { height: 100% } body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 } </style> </head> <?php /** * These are some options for the ACARS map, you can change here * * By default, the zoom level and center are ignored, and the map * will try to fit the all the flights in. If you want to manually set * the zoom level and center, set "autozoom" to false. * * You can use these MapTypeId's: * * * Change the "TERRAIN" to the "Constant" listed there - they are case-sensitive * * Also, how to style the acars pilot list table. You can use these style selectors: * * table.acarsmap { } * table.acarsmap thead { } * table.acarsmap tbody { } * table.acarsmap tbody tr.even { } * table.acarsmap tbody tr.odd { } */ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php /* These are the settings for the Google map. You can see the Google API reference if you want to add more options. There's two options I've added: autozoom: This will automatically center in on/zoom so all your current flights are visible. If false, then the zoom and center you specify will be used instead refreshTime: Time, in seconds * 1000 to refresh the map. The default is 10000 (10 seconds) */ ?> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var acars_map_defaults = { autozoom: false, zoom: 4, center: new google.maps.LatLng("<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LAT')?>", "<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LNG')?>"), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE, refreshTime: 10000 }; </script> <div id="acarsmap" style="margin: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/js/acarsmap.js');?>"></script> <?php /* This is the template which is used in the table above, for each row. Be careful modifying it. You can simply add/remove columns, combine columns too. Keep each "section" (<%=...%>) intact Variables you can use (what they are is pretty obvious) Variable: Notes: <%=flight.pilotid%> <%=flight.firstname%> <%=flight.lastname%> <%=flight.pilotname%> First and last combined <%=flight.flightnum%> <%=flight.depapt%> Gives the airport name <%=flight.depicao%> <%=flight.arrapt%> Gives the airport name <%=flight.arricao%> <%=flight.phasedetail%> <%=flight.heading%> <%=flight.alt%> <> <%=flight.disremaining%> <%=flight.timeremaning%> <%=flight.aircraft%> Gives the registration <%=flight.aircraftname%> Gives the full name <%=flight.client%> FSACARS/Xacars/FSFK, etc <%=flight.trclass%> "even" or "odd" <%=flight.realid%> <%=flight.percomplete%> <%=flight.onlineimage%> You can also use logic in the templating, if you so choose: */ ?> <script type="text/html" id="acars_map_row"> <tr height="10px" class="<%=flight.trclass%>"> </tr> </script> <?php /* This is the template for the little map bubble which pops up when you click on a flight Same principle as above, keep the <%=...%> tags intact. The same variables are available to use here as are available above. */ ?> <script type="text/html" id="acars_map_bubble"> <span style="font-size: 10px; text-align:left; width: 100%" align="left"> <b><%=flight.pilotid%> - <%=flight.pilotname%></b><br /> <strong>Flight <%=flight.flightnum%></strong> (<%=flight.depicao%> to <%=flight.arricao%>)<br /> <strong>Aircraft: </strong><%=flight.aircraftname%><br /> <strong>Status: </strong><%=flight.phasedetail%><br /> <strong>Dist/Time Remain: </strong><%=flight.distremaining%> <?php echo Config::Get('UNITS');?> / <%=flight.timeremaining%><br /> </span> </script> The map should be accessible with a link looking like this: http://www.YOURLINK/YOURPHPVMSFOLDER/index.php/acars/viewmapbig or if you have installed phpvms into your root folder http://www.YOURLINK/index.php/acars/viewmapbig You will only have to put a normal button or link to your default livemap linking to the fullscreen one. I have a live demo here if you want to check it out: Hope this helps 1 Quote
Gantcho Posted December 15, 2013 Report Posted December 15, 2013 Can you help me to fix this please! thanks! Quote
skylineVirtual Posted December 24, 2013 Report Posted December 24, 2013 I can't even access your website. But by the way: There is one thing missing in these instructions. After you have followed the steps I mentioned above you have to use this else command for the one in line 74 of the index.php (phpvms root folder): else { # It's a template sammich! if (strpos($page_content,'html { height: 100% } body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 }') !== false) { $BaseTemplate->ShowTemplate('header2.tpl'); echo $page_content; } else { $BaseTemplate->ShowTemplate('header.tpl'); echo $page_content; $BaseTemplate->ShowTemplate('footer.tpl'); } } Then you should get a fullscreen live map. Happy Christmas! Quote
Administrators simpilot Posted December 24, 2013 Administrators Report Posted December 24, 2013 I found it easier to use the action.php method which goes skinless and just set the map to 100% like I did here -> http://www.virtualac.../map/fullscreen <- this uses the Leaf map instead of the Google map but you can use the same concept, plus you do not have to hack a core file subject to update. Quote
FSX30HD Posted January 15, 2014 Report Posted January 15, 2014 I found it easier to use the action.php method which goes skinless and just set the map to 100% like I did here -> http://www.virtualac.../map/fullscreen <- this uses the Leaf map instead of the Google map but you can use the same concept, plus you do not have to hack a core file subject to update. Hello, David How you can work with action.php ? Howto to do this with action.php? Thanks Fred Quote
Txmmy83 Posted March 3, 2014 Report Posted March 3, 2014 discovered one thing now with var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); flightMarkers[flightMarkers.length] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pos, map: map, icon: url+"/lib/images/inair/"+data[i].code+"/"+data[i].heading+".png", flightdetails: data[i], infowindow_content: detailed_bubble }); which works great but one problem if you have 2 Airlines VLI and FEV (in my case) and Pilot assigned to FEV fly a VLI flight it show the FEV inair image instead of VLI so is there a possibility to go over the flightnumber if flightcode starts with VLI* force use of VLI inair image? best regards, Thomas Quote
skylineVirtual Posted March 10, 2014 Report Posted March 10, 2014 Do you have your inair pictures sorted the way this piece of code needs to have it? In your case you would need two folders in your lib/images/inair folder. One would be VLI and the other FEV. Your icons need to go in there. Quote
mseiwald Posted March 10, 2014 Report Posted March 10, 2014 Ah looks like the code variable is assigned to the pilot id code instead of the flight code. I cant check it right now since i'm only in my phone. Quote
Txmmy83 Posted March 10, 2014 Report Posted March 10, 2014 Right so I think the Trick would be to go by the flightnumber since the First three characters are the Airline Code But did not know exactly how to get the first 3 characters and how the conditions need to look like Quote
skylineVirtual Posted March 10, 2014 Report Posted March 10, 2014 Try to use data.flightnum.substring(0,3); instead of data.code I couldn't check it if it works as I'm on the phone at the moment but using substring should work Quote
skylineVirtual Posted March 10, 2014 Report Posted March 10, 2014 Try to use data.flightnum.substring(0,3); instead of data.code Quote
biokemisten Posted April 16, 2014 Report Posted April 16, 2014 Where do i actually put rotate.php? Got it working. Quote
skylineVirtual Posted April 17, 2014 Report Posted April 17, 2014 Glad to hear you got it working But please do us a favor if you plan on creating a custom inair icon don't use the one we created. I came across this once or twice now. If you have created your own image then just ignore this 1 Quote
Kishshey Posted April 2, 2015 Report Posted April 2, 2015 You can simply create the 360 images with an easy php script: <?php $count = 0; while ($count < 360){ $filename = 'orig.png'; $rotang = -$count; // Rotation angle $source = imagecreatefrompng($filename) or die('Error opening file '.$filename); imagealphablending($source, false); imagesavealpha($source, true); $rotation = imagerotate($source, $rotang, imageColorAllocateAlpha($source, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($rotation, false); imagesavealpha($rotation, true); header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($rotation, "rotate/{$count}.png"); imagedestroy($source); imagedestroy($rotation); $count = $count + 1; } ?> Put this php file into a directory and add a folder called rotate and name your original image orig.png and make sure it is oriented this way: (PLEASE! Don't just use our inair icon Be creative and create one of your own. It isn't that hard) Upload it to the directory you have saved the folder the php file is in and run the script. If everything worked out as it should you will have 360 images in your rotate folder, already named according to the phpvms way . You only have to put these into the innair folder. This is how everything worked out for me. Gives me a 500 Internal Server Error Quote
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