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We are looking for someone to do our site for free.

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Ok, it's been real week of skinning and me and my webmaster can't even kink things out. We been through many tutorials and they don't even work and it messes up our skin. We been trying different temps but won't even work. If you would like to help us out. It would be nice!

We even got someone to skin our site. But no response from them for 3 weeks now. And I'm just losing my mind and i lost 10 pilots due to the skinning problems.

Please let me know if you would want to skin for us. We will provide a temp or you can make us one. I'm sorry, i don't pay online or shop online at all. I don't trust them.

Please Let Me Know If You are Willing To Skin For Us.


Yup, i agree that it is difficult to first work around skinning the system, but the tutorial posted in the tutorials section of the site by Nabeel will more than suffice in telling you how to make a simple skin for the VMS system. It's just needing to understand the basics, i'm sure your webmaster could do that...If i can, then anyone could  ;)

I hope you sort out a skin soon, best of luck!

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Well thats what i did, but it does not help. I been replaying the video all the time and does not work and always start all over.

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Quick tip, get firefox and then get firebug plug in, you can navigate all the divs and css settings from firebug with real time updates as you change a setting it will show you on the screen.

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Sorry Firefox won't work. My PC is blocking it. It said its full of virus. And I don't IE in my computer. I'm just using Safari.


Firefox should work, are you downloading it from the firefox website? It shouldn't be full of viruses either, nothing is flagged up when i donwload it. And Nabeel's tut is easy to go by, maybe your making some mistakes along the line?


Dont get firefox, get Chrome.. just right click and "Inspect Element" and the developer panel will show up to play around with.

Oh and, I'm guessing that conversation you had with me was just to waste my time then?

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Firefox should work, are you downloading it from the firefox website? It shouldn't be full of viruses either, nothing is flagged up when i donwload it. And Nabeel's tut is easy to go by, maybe your making some mistakes along the line?

Yup but someone told me to download chrome. Maybe i'll turn up the speakers high so i can hear him way more better. I'll try google chrome. To see.



You pay £2 for a sandwich over here, when you can make the same yourself for £0.40, but it saves you the time, effort and skill. That's what the tertiary (services) sector of the economy is all about.

Jus' saying.

Oh also, that's ridiculously cheap. A skin on any other site will cost you upwards of $70 for something like a wordpress.

Oh and in response to the below post, because I can't be bothered posting again... It was converted from british pounds. It makes no difference where you are.


Chrome is the browser to go for. Much faster than IE and Firefox.

And i can agree with Toms's posts. Some people charge you in excess of even $100 and the quality and customer satisfaction and support you receive is poor, Tom produces fantastic skins, for such a low price. It's because he enjoys helping the community and the satisfaction of seeing his work being used.

If your not able to skin yourself, your only other bet is to get a free skin ( which are usually bad quality and rushed ) or to pay somebody respectable ( Tom ) to produce you one.

My two cents.


I just started using phpVMS a couple of weeks ago, and have found the skinning process to be fairly straight forward, if you are prepared to spend some time reading up on basic php, HTML and CSS. It sounds like you are trying to rush your site out, but that can just create more problems. Why not just run your phpVMS site on the default template for now, with just your custom logo, explain to the members that work is in progress, and then spend the needed amount of time on creating a skin offline on a localserver. Then you know that problems aren't going to be flaring up on your live server, and the members have something to look forward to.

I have to say too, that your attitude isn't going to make anyone want to give up their own time to create a skin for you. As said before £40 is not alot of money for the time and effort going into a custom skin. If you are not prepared to pay anyone, then perhaps you should get some reading in and learn what you need to know to create your own skin.


I just started using phpVMS a couple of weeks ago, and have found the skinning process to be fairly straight forward, if you are prepared to spend some time reading up on basic php, HTML and CSS. It sounds like you are trying to rush your site out, but that can just create more problems. Why not just run your phpVMS site on the default template for now, with just your custom logo, explain to the members that work is in progress, and then spend the needed amount of time on creating a skin offline on a localserver. Then you know that problems aren't going to be flaring up on your live server, and the members have something to look forward to.

I have to say too, that your attitude isn't going to make anyone want to give up their own time to create a skin for you. As said before £40 is not alot of money for the time and effort going into a custom skin. If you are not prepared to pay anyone, then perhaps you should get some reading in and learn what you need to know to create your own skin.

+1  $40.00 is a good price and with Tom you will get a quality skin with great customer support!

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Ok good point +1

I just been making a skin for a week and i was working slow to make sure everything is right but i can't get it working.

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$40 for a skin isn't much at all. I charge $80/hr for outside work, so you're getting a bargain :)

As for skinning yourself, start off small, don't bite off more than you can chew at first. It sounds like you're trying to learn HTML, using Dreamweaver or something. Go slow


I would be prepared too offer you any help you need whilist making your skin.

You can check out my skin (so far, at least) as www.liverpoolvirtual.info.

(Please don't register the script is messed up).

PM me if you have any questions regarding HTML/PHP/CSS.

Sorry but I cannot make your whole website for you as I'm up until 3am trying to sculpt my phpVMS :)

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All one point for you guys. Yeah i should, i'll start off slow and just to see.

Also is the CSS like a layout desgin?


CSS is a way of defining website styles in one place - so for example, if you wanted to change your header style (<h1>) just edit the CSS for it and it would apply to all your headers - no need to edit one by one.

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