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Servetas makes a valid point as the url shows no sign of the "ivao" part of the string. I would also look over the documentation here -> http://forum.phpvms....and-add-ons-r25 - specifically the section about passing variables.

I would guess you are not processing the GET data correctly within the controller if the "ivao" string is not the issue.


Passing Variables

Variables can be passed in several different ways. We'll use two different URLs and functions to demonstrate



The code:

class ModuleTest extends CodonModule
public function pageone($fruit='', $orange='')
echo "The fruit is an {$fruit} and the color is {$orange}";

public function pagetwo()
echo "The fruit is an {$this->get->fruit} and the color is {$this->get->orange}";

As you can see, the "pageone" method is cleaner - the function parameters will be the variables after the function name in the URL, in the order they appear in the URL.

The "pagetwo" method is the more "traditional" way of doing things, but they are essentially the same thing. To access the variables in the query string you use:

$this->get->[variable name]

Ok but how i must try to try?

I must run this


in my TPL.

Is possible or not?

the code of module is:

class liveflightsonline extends CodonModule {
public function index() { ?>
 <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true"
//randomize servers
//$serv[] = "http://nl1.www.ivao.aero/whazzup.txt";
//$serv[] = "http://am1.www.ivao.aero/whazzup.txt";
$serv[] = "http://api.ivao.aero/getdata/whazzup/whazzup.txt";
$serv[] = "http://api.ivao.aero/getdata/whazzup/whazzup.txt";
srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$randomserv = rand(0,count($serv)-1);
$servers = $serv[$randomserv];
//readin whazzup.txt
$file = file($servers);
$explode = explode(":", $line);
<table width="93%" border="1" align="center" >
   <td  colspan="11" align="center" >
<center><img src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=48.41, 9.8&size=480x300
foreach($file as $line) {
   if(strpos($line,$_GET['cs']) === 0){
&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:P%7C<?php echo $latitude ?>, <?php echo $longitude ?>&sensor=true<?php }} ?>" alt="Map Not Available!" /></center>
<table border="0">
foreach($file as $line) {
   if(strpos($line,$_GET['cs']) === 0){
   <td width="63"><div align="center"><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/index.php/liveflights/track?cs=<?php echo $callsign; ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $callsign ?></a></div></td>
   <td width="165">
  <div align="center">
if (strlen($realname)>=30)
 echo (substr($realname, 0, 30))."...";
 echo $realname
   <td width="33"><div align="center"><?php echo $planned_depairport  ?></div></td>
   <td width="78"><div align="center"><?php echo $planned_destairport  ?></div></td>
   <td width="101"><div align="center"><?php echo (substr($planned_aircraft, 2, 6)) ?></div></td>
   <td width="91"><div align="center"><?php echo $groundspeed ?></div></td>
   <td width="88"><div align="center"><?php echo $altitude ?></div></td>
   <td><div align="center">
  <?php if ($groundspeed=="0") echo 'Gate Open'; elseif  ($altitude>="12000") echo 'En Route'; else echo 'Departing/Arriving'; ?>
// server in use
//echo $serv[$randomserv]?>
public function track() { ?>
//randomize servers
//$serv[] = "http://nl1.www.ivao.aero/whazzup.txt";
//$serv[] = "http://am1.www.ivao.aero/whazzup.txt";
$serv[] = "http://api.ivao.aero/getdata/whazzup/whazzup.txt";
$serv[] = "http://api.ivao.aero/getdata/whazzup/whazzup.txt";
srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$randomserv = rand(0,count($serv)-1);
$file = file($serv[$randomserv]);
$explode = explode(":", $line);
foreach($file as $line)
   if(strpos($line,$_GET['cs']) === 0)
<table width="100%" border="1" align="center" class="tablevar" >
   <td width="239" >Callsign:</td>
   <td width="564" ><?php echo $callsign ?></td>
   <td >Partenza:</td>
   <td ><?php echo $planned_depairport  ?></td>
   <td >Meteo alla Partenza:</td>
   <td ><?php

$lines = file("http://wx.ivao.aero/metar.php?id=$planned_depairport");
   $top200 = array_slice(array_reverse($lines),0,1000);
foreach($top200 as $line)
   echo $line;
   <td >Destinazione:</td>
   <td ><?php echo $planned_destairport  ?></td>
   <td >Meteo Destinazione:</td>
   <td ><?php

$lines = file("http://wx.ivao.aero/metar.php?id=$planned_destairport");
   $top200 = array_slice(array_reverse($lines),0,1000);
foreach($top200 as $line)
   echo $line;
   <td >Aereo:</td>
   <td ><?php echo (substr($planned_aircraft, 2, 6)) ?></td>
   <td >Carburante a bordo per:</td>
   <td ><?php echo $planned_hrsfuel ?> Ore e <?php echo $planned_minfuel ?> minuti</td>
   <td >Passeggeri:</td>
   <td ><?php echo $planned_pob ?></td>
   <td >Ground Speed/Altitude:</td>
   <td ><?php echo $groundspeed ?> / <?php echo $altitude ?>
   <td >Rotta:</td>
   <td ><?php echo $planned_route ?></td>
   <td >Stato:</td>
   <td ><?php if ($groundspeed=="0") echo 'Gate Open'; elseif  ($altitude>="12000") echo 'En Route'; else echo 'Departing/Arriving'; ?>
   <td >Pilota al Comando:</td>
   <td ><?php
 if (strlen($realname)>=20)
 echo (substr($realname, 0, 20))."...";
 echo $realname
   <td >Grado:</td>
   <td ><p style="color:white;font-size:11px; vertical-align:top;">
   <img src="http://www.ivao.aero/data/images/ratings/pilot/<? echo $rating ?>.gif" width="105" height="30" />
 - <?php
if ($rating == 1 )
echo  "OBS - Observer";
elseif ($rating == 2 )
echo  "Basic Flight Student (FS1)";
elseif ($rating == 3 )
echo "Flight Student (FS2)";
elseif ($rating == 4 )
echo "Advanced Flight Student (FS3)";
elseif ($rating == 5 )
echo "Private Pilot (PP)";
elseif ($rating == 6 )
echo "Senior Private Pilot (SPP)";
elseif ($rating == 7 )
echo "Commercial Pilot (CP)";
elseif ($rating == 8 )
echo "Airline Transport Pilot (ATP)";
elseif ($rating == 9 )
echo "Senior Flight Instructor (SFI)";
elseif ($rating == 10 )
echo "Chief Flight Instructor (CFI)";
elseif ($rating == 11 )
echo "Supervisor (SUP)";
elseif ($rating == 12 )
echo "Administrator (ADM)";
   <td colspan="4" align="center">
<center><img src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?path=color:0xff0000ff%7Cweight:5%7C&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:Position%7C<?php echo $latitude ?>,<?php echo $longitude ?>&zoom=2&size=600x300&sensor=true" /></center>



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