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Hello Guys,

i have a Problem , when i go to Admin Center and i wanna email all Pilots No One Receive any Emails and When any one Register in my VA after i Accept it also no one Recevies anything can anyone help me pls???


  • Moderators

Maybe you will have to set the details of your mail server on your local.config.php file. Open your local.config.php and find this:

Config::Set('EMAIL_USE_SMTP', false);
# Add multiple SMTP servers by separating them with ;
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', '');
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '25');
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', false);
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', '');
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', '');

Configuring it might solve your problems.

  • Moderators

What settings did you use? Did you try to get in touch with your web hosting provider? They should be able to let you know the details to use for the part of code i given to you and which can be found on your local.config.php .



We are contacted to our hosting company. They are answered me "You haven't got any problems on SMTP and POP3 E-Mail Servers."

And my SMF Forum successfully sending e-mails.

Here is my local.config

# Email Settings
Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_NAME', 'Zirve Airlines Staff');
Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', 'noreply@zirveairlines.com');
Config::Set('EMAIL_USE_SMTP', false);
# Add multiple SMTP servers by separating them with ;
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', '');
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '25');
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', false);
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', '');
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', '');


  • Members


# Email Settings
Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_NAME', 'Zirve Airlines Staff');
Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', 'noreply@zirveairlines.com');
Config::Set('EMAIL_USE_SMTP', true);
# Add multiple SMTP servers by separating them with ;
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', 'mail.zirveairlines.com');
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '25');
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', false);
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', '');
Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', '');

Also the noreply@zirveairlines.com does it exist as an email ? If not create it

  • Members

# Email Settings

Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_NAME', 'Zirve Airlines Staff');

Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', 'noreply@zirveairlines.com');

Config::Set('EMAIL_USE_SMTP', true);

# Add multiple SMTP servers by separating them with ;

Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', 'mail.zirveairlines.com');

Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '25');

Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', true);

Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', 'EmailUserName');

Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', 'EmailPassword');

try with this settings just add your email username and password in the prespective positions


OK. local.config.php successfully edited and SSL Mail Informations entered. Port Number changed to 465 and SSL SMTP SERVER entered. local.config.php uploaded to core/ directory. After that, I'm access to admin panel and pushed to "Send E-Mail....." button. I'm writed test email and pushed to Send Mail button.

Then I get this:

Sending email...
Sending for Alp Yeni

I'm access to outlook.com account and I'm waiting a few minutes. There is no new e-mail received from my Airline. :(

I think, SSL is a problem and I try None SSL Connection.

Edited local.config. Uploaded to core/ directory.

I'm sended e-mail. And there is no new e-mail on my inbox. :( :(

Note: I get some information from my cPanel. For example, my None SSL port number 587 not 25 etc. :)


I'm changed noreply@zirv....com to info@zirv.....com. I able to send mail from this account. I'm really sure. And I'm now reconfiguring my local.config.php file. I've one questions. For my Hosting Company my none SSL Port is 587 and for my local.config file port number set to 25. Should I Change it?

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