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Hey folks-

I hopped into filezilla to change the text on my main page and apparently broke something. When visiting my site all I get is the following text:

: include(core/codon.config.php) [
]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
on line

: include() [
]: Failed opening 'core/codon.config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in
on line

Fatal error
: Class 'Config' not found in
on line

Quite honestly all I did (or more specifically, all I think I did) was add two words to the narrative I had on there (this was on frontpage_main.tpl and I am using the arctic skin). I have since replaced that tpl file with a back up, found that the core file was missing and replaced that and am still getting the above. Should I just say screw it and rebuild the full website?

At this time I am unable to access the admin section of the site.

Website is here: www.flyingpilgrim.com


  • Moderators

As a beginning, run this into your sql command line to change back to the default template:

UPDATE phpvms_settings SET value='crystal' WHERE id=4;

Does the problem persists?

  • Moderators

Ok, I see. Open your phpmyadmin through your cpanel, after that select the database you have stored your phpVMS system, then you will have to find the SQL tab. This tab allows you to execute mysql commands. You will have to run the command above. This will change your skin to the default one. Alternatively, you can check if you are able to access the admin center through this url: http://www.flyingpilgrim.com/admin If yes, navigate to Site & Settings -> General Settings and select another template.

If the problem persists, it means that you have changed something else instead of the template files. You can try replacing the index.php file with the default one of your phpVMS version.

  • Moderators

It seems that this is a general problem. You have changed the core/codon.config.php file and as a result this is why it is giving the error. Please find a default codon.config.php file and upload it on your server.


I had no core file in my directory tree earlier, I uploaded the default one from my phpvms master file and have just now uploaded the codon.config.php file to the core library with no changes.

Also, the sql command you sent did not change anything.

  • Moderators

All your website's files have to be uploaded in the public_html. If you do not upload them in this folder, noone will be able to access them through the browser.

  • Moderators

I suggest you check to see if your host server has updated php version to 5.5 and if that's the case then you're most likely to upgrade phpVMS to 5.5x by Simpilot as the server might no longer support earlier versions.



I am having some serious issues now. Well, serious to me at least.

I am hosting on filedev and due to the problems I was having earlier, deleted my install of phpVMS. I am currently trying to re-install, but I keep getting this:

Not Found

The requested URL / was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I have downloaded and FTPd a clean install of phpVMS and going to either my base URL or URL/install/install.php returns the above.

I checked my nameservers and they still point to filedev and I am totally lost as to why I can not re-install.

Clearly I screwed the pooch here someplace.


Make sure that all of your files have gone during the process and you have downloaded a fresh copy. Also make sure that every single file has uploaded.

By the sound of things, not every file has been uploaded.

Make sure you upload them all to your public_html folder


Make sure that all of your files have gone during the process and you have downloaded a fresh copy. Also make sure that every single file has uploaded.

By the sound of things, not every file has been uploaded.

Giving it a whirl again.


Still a no-go.

What is confusing is that I can open filezilla, highlight can copy the URL for the install.php file and paste it into the browser and adjust it so it does not relefect the ftp heading and it still is showing me that the file in question does not exist.


Did you upload them to your public_html folder? What are the permissions set to? (right click on the files).

Is your domain purchased through fivedev or another hosting or provider?

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