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[Free] CrewCenter - Modern and responsive pilot center

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1.Make sure that your skin's folder name is "crewcenter" and not anything else.

2.Are you using PHPVMS v5.5x? If yes , then you need to copy all the contents of folder "php_templates" and paste it in the root crewcenter/ folder.

Thank you! Now it works 100% the problem is the folder name! I put wrong! Thank you!

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Hello , I don't know if this bug is just with me or with everyone :- When I edit any Info in my Profile , It doesnt get saved. It stays with previous values itself.

Hence I have modified the code between (approx) line 17 to line 109 in profileedit.php/tpl

(after the code "<form action="<?php echo url('/profile');?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">)

Edited Code :

<dd><input type="text" class="form-control" disabled placeholder="<?php echo $pilot->firstname . ' ' . $pilot->lastname;?>"></dd>

<dd><input type="text" class="form-control" disabled placeholder="<?php echo $pilot->code?>">
<p>To request a change, contact your admin</p>

<label>Email Address</label>

<dd><input type="text" class="form-control" name="email" value="<?php echo $pilot->email;?>" />
if(isset($email_error) && $email_error == true)
echo '<p class="error">Please enter your email address</p>';

<dd><select name="location" class="form-control">
foreach($countries as $countryCode=>$countryName)
if($pilot->location == $countryCode)
$sel = 'selected="selected"';
$sel = '';

echo '<option value="'.$countryCode.'" '.$sel.'>'.$countryName.'</option>';
if(isset($location_error) && $location_error == true)
echo '<p class="error">Please enter your location</p>';

<label>Signature Background</label>
<dd><select name="bgimage" class="form-control">
foreach($bgimages as $image)
if($pilot->bgimage == $image)
$sel = 'selected="selected"';
$sel = '';

echo '<option value="'.$image.'" '.$sel.'>'.$image.'</option>';

if($customfields) {
foreach($customfields as $field) {
echo '<dt>'.$field->title.'</dt>

if($field->type == 'dropdown') {
$field_values = SettingsData::GetField($field->fieldid);
$values = explode(',', $field_values->value);

echo "<select name=\"{$field->fieldname}\">";

if(is_array($values)) {

 foreach($values as $val) {
 $val = trim($val);

 if($val == $field->value)
 $sel = " selected ";
 $sel = '';

 echo "<option value=\"{$val}\" {$sel}>{$val}</option>";

echo '</select>';
} elseif($field->type == 'textarea') {
echo '<textarea name="'.$field->fieldname.'" class="customfield_textarea">'.$field->value.'</textarea>';
} else {
echo '<input type="text" name="'.$field->fieldname.'" value="'.$field->value.'" />';

echo '</dd>';

Please NOTE : Do not edit the code unnecessarily. Edit the code only if the changes made in Edit Profile page are not reflected after saving it. The above code works for me. I am using PHPVMS v5.5

Edited by shrikar
  • Moderators
Posted (edited)

Really liking this - any reason why we can't just install it on the main site instead of a subdomain?

Also, I seem to have a "no route passed" error when bidding on a schedule. This only seems to happen when using CrewCenter.



Edited by shakamonkey88

Really liking this - any reason why we can't just install it on the main site instead of a subdomain?

Also, I seem to have a "no route passed" error when bidding on a schedule. This only seems to happen when using CrewCenter.

There's nothing stopping you from putting in in your main domain, however, the default page is a redirect to the login page so your visitors would not see any front page.

As for the error, what version of phpVMS are you using? Is it the PHP one? I did test it on the TPL version and it worked fine but I haven't actually tried it on the PHP version!

Posted (edited)

Really liking this - any reason why we can't just install it on the main site instead of a subdomain?

Also, I seem to have a "no route passed" error when bidding on a schedule. This only seems to happen when using CrewCenter.



Yes , Same Error Here. I am using PHPvms v5.5

Edited by shrikar
  • Moderators
Posted (edited)


There's nothing stopping you from putting in in your main domain, however, the default page is a redirect to the login page so your visitors would not see any front page.

As for the error, what version of phpVMS are you using? Is it the PHP one? I did test it on the TPL version and it worked fine but I haven't actually tried it on the PHP version!

I'm showing this:

Install Check

phpVMS Build Number: 936

Checking PHP version

[OK] PHP version is 5.3.29.x

Also got it on the subdomain which is showing this:

phpVMS Build Number: simpilot 5.5.2

Checking PHP version

[OK] PHP version is 5.3.29.x

Edited by shakamonkey88

I'm looking into this error. It only happens in phpVMS 5.5.x (PHP version). The no route passed error has happened before on another skin I believe. I looked at the JS console and it appears it could be something to do with the AJAX form or jQuery. This may have something to do with the JS scripts for the application overriding the core phpVMS jQuery required for core functions like adding a bid.

Error message if anyone is interested: Uncaught TypeError: $(...).ajaxForm is not a function

I'll try my best to fix it, but if anyone can figure this one out, that'd be awesome.

  • Like 1

Usually when this happens, it is because of a jQuery version mis-match.

All of your jQuery references should be in your core_htmlhead.php and not anywhere else (e.g. layout.php)

So in your layout.php remove these

<!-- jQuery 2.2.3 -->
<script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/crewcenter/plugins/jQuery/jquery-2.2.3.min.js"></script>
<!-- jQuery UI 1.11.4 -->
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

And see if it works. If it doesn't, try messing around with the other js (adding/removing) files until you get the addbid working.

If that still doesn't work, you could re-write the bidding code to support an updated jQuery library or just add an AJAX request.

Posted (edited)

For those who are having issues with "no route passed", I believe I've fixed that issue.

Would someone care to test this out on their server


If it works, then I'll submit a pull-request with Mark Swan and get this onto his original repo.

Changes I've Made


Styling Changes here and there

Added Pilot's roster, schedule details, schedule briefing pages (for those who want them)

Removed all references to requiring the app_top and bottom on each page (little code hack, might work for you, might not) and defined it globally in the layout.php file

Fixed the "no route passed" jQuery issue (I think)

Fixed the "not able to delete bids" (I think [might not have been an issue before])

Fixed the redirection on the frontpage only redirecting to /... (in case you had extra folders before the index)

Fixed default registration page to work with phpvms 5.5.x

So far I've tested it on two different servers and they both worked. I had an issue with the recaptcha at some points, but I believe that was because I have turned off a few settings with my host. All other components (filing pirep, schedule search form/results, bids, downloads, etc.) have remained untouched with the exception of a few styling changes.

NOTE: This is for the phpVMS 5.5.x version of phpVMS, if you are using the .tpl version, please see the OP for the link to download that.

NOTE: If you are testing this, please BACKUP ALL FILES beforehand in case you need to restore, I won't take any responsibility for you losing your files.

Edited by web541
Posted (edited)

For those who are having issues with "no route passed", I believe I've fixed that issue.

Would someone care to test this out on their server


If it works, then I'll submit a pull-request with Mark Swan and get this onto his original repo.

Changes I've Made


Styling Changes here and there

Added Pilot's roster, schedule details, schedule briefing pages (for those who want them)

Removed all references to requiring the app_top and bottom on each page (little code hack, might work for you, might not) and defined it globally in the layout.php file

Fixed the "no route passed" jQuery issue (I think)

Fixed the "not able to delete bids" (I think [might not have been an issue before])

Fixed the redirection on the frontpage only redirecting to /... (in case you had extra folders before the index)

Fixed default registration page to work with phpvms 5.5.x

So far I've tested it on two different servers and they both worked. I had an issue with the recaptcha at some points, but I believe that was because I have turned off a few settings with my host. All other components (filing pirep, schedule search form/results, bids, downloads, etc.) have remained untouched with the exception of a few styling changes.

NOTE: This is for the phpVMS 5.5.x version of phpVMS, if you are using the .tpl version, please see the OP for the link to download that.

NOTE: If you are testing this, please BACKUP ALL FILES beforehand in case you need to restore, I won't take any responsibility for you losing your files.

It works like a charm.

Your name is going in my website's "Hall of Fame" . Thank you very very much

Edited by shrikar

Hi Guys,

I've pulled in all of web541's changes to the code, which fixes the 'no route passed' error in addition to adding some other new pages. The main repository accessible from the original link (https://github.com/swan58/CrewCenter) will now include his changes. If you are using phpVMS 5.5.x, just move all the files from php_templates over to the main CrewCenter skin folder.

I would like to thank web541 greatly for his invaluable contribution to the skin, it is very much appreciated by myself and I'm sure many others will benefit from your work.

  • Like 2
  • 2 weeks later...

Even with the newly modified files I am still getting 'No route passed'. I have done the recommended removal of jQuery from web541 with no luck infact disabling any tab button so therefore needed to revert back.

Posted (edited)

Even with the newly modified files I am still getting 'No route passed'. I have done the recommended removal of jQuery from web541 with no luck infact disabling any tab button so therefore needed to revert back.

you must be having some jQuery code interfering somwhere. Make sure you put all of them in layout.php

Edited by shrikar
Posted (edited)

Thanks for replying, what do you mean by put all of them in layout.php. The code or just script?

everything under <script> </script>

I am not a php expert but this is what i have been reading everywhere.

I suggest you take backup first.

Edited by shrikar
<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/crewcenter/dist/js/pages/dashboard.js"></script>
    <!-- AdminLTE for demo purposes -->
    <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/crewcenter/dist/js/demo.js"></script>


Remove these two lines

		 <!-- jQuery 2.2.3 -->
		 <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/crewcenter/plugins/jQuery/jquery-2.2.3.min.js"></script>
		 <!-- jQuery UI 1.11.4 -->
		 <script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

Or try this one


Have tried this, it disables the use of any tabs in the schedule area and can therefore not search routes.


Are you using phpvms 5.5.x? Can you try re-uploading the enter skin folder?

The tabs are working for me as I've had to re-arrange some of the files, but all the additions I've made have worked and have been pulled onto the main github.

Can you check your browser console for any errors and post them here.


Thanks for taking the time to assist me @web541. I'm operating Version 2.1.936, I've re-uploaded the version you made and the version Mark made but sadly the fix works on neither. Where can I get 5.5.x and could I overright my current install?

bootstrap.min.js:6 Uncaught Error: Bootstrap's Javascript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 3(…)(anonymous function) @ bootstrap.min.js:6(anonymous function) @ bootstrap.min.js:6
bootstrap-datepicker.js:1655 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).on is not a function(…)(anonymous function) @ bootstrap-datepicker.js:1655(anonymous function) @ bootstrap-datepicker.js:1671
demo.js:290 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).on is not a function(…)setup @ demo.js:290(anonymous function) @ demo.js:213(anonymous function) @ demo.js:340
app.min.js:13 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).off is not a function(…)

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