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Posted (edited)

I don't believe this 2 issues are related.......

  1. I show this error in the 'error_log' file
    1. PHP Warning:  call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'Profile' does not have a method 'phpvms' in /home/rocke2/public_html/freedomair/phpvms/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218
    2. I can't figure out how or why this is being called.
    3. What is this error actually telling me?
  2. I can't get any charts to display in the defaulit phpVMS 5.5.2 file '....\templates\profile_stats.php' - even if I put the file in my skins folder.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

Contents of profile_stats.php


<?php if(!defined('IN_PHPVMS') && IN_PHPVMS !== true) { die(); } ?>
<h3>Your Stats</h3>

 Added in 2.0!
$chart_width = '800';
$chart_height = '250';

/* Don't need to change anything below this here */
<div align="center" style="width: 100%;">
 <div align="center" id="months_data"></div>
<br />
<div align="center" style="width: 100%;">
 <div align="center" id="aircraft_data"></div>

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/js/ofc/js/swfobject.js')?>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
swfobject.embedSWF("<?php echo fileurl('/lib/js/ofc/open-flash-chart.swf');?>",
 "months_data", "<?php echo $chart_width;?>", "<?php echo $chart_height;?>",
 "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf",
 {"data-file":"<?php echo actionurl('/pilots/statsmonthsdata/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>"});
$chart_width = '800';
$chart_height = '300';

/* Don't need to change anything below this here */
swfobject.embedSWF("<?php echo fileurl('/lib/js/ofc/open-flash-chart.swf');?>",
 "aircraft_data", "<?php echo $chart_width;?>", "<?php echo $chart_height;?>",
 "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf",
 {"data-file":"<?php echo actionurl('/pilots/statsaircraftdata/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>"});

Edited by ProAvia
  • Moderators

The first error means that a page of your website is trying to call function phpVMS of class Profile and it does not exist (by defualt it does not exist. You should search on your phpVMS files to see which of them is calling this function. I would start with modules I recently installed and proceed backwards.

As for the second error, could you please share with us your website url?


  • Moderators

The first error means that a page of your website is trying to call function phpVMS of class Profile and it does not exist (by defualt it does not exist. You should search on your phpVMS files to see which of them is calling this function. I would start with modules I recently installed and proceed backwards.

As for the second error, could you please share with us your website url?


  • Administrators

Thanks for the reply

On the first error, I think it's showing when a guest attempts to access something in Profile. The times shown in the error log are times members don't appear to be on the site. Since I recently updated to 5.5.2, it may take a bit to single out the issue as a bunch of modules were updated at one time.

For the second, the profile_stats.php file is called when you go to access 'My Stats' from the 'My Career' page. http://www.freedomair.us/phpvms

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