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Revision 918: updated admin panel, backend fixes, fsacars fix

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updated admin panel, backend fixes, fsacars fix

ALOT of backend changes in this guy, updates in the admin panel to fix the styles.

Detailed file changes:


  • On the front end, route_map.tpl and schedule_results.tpl were changed. Check the link above for the exact changes.
  • Improved PIREP list view (pending pireps with yellow highlights)
  • Improved schedule detail view, with basic search right now (going to improve that). Going to bring this layout also to the airport list
  • Cleaned up buttons and icons all around
  • Cleaned up old Javascript includes/code (removed 3-4 JS files which weren't needed)
  • Several cleanups to core

View more details, download from here

  • Moderators

No problems. LOVED the new PANEL!

But i will wait till 2.1 is out so i can set up my NEW VA!

Checking PHP version
[OK] PHP version is 5.2.x

Checking connectivity...
[OK] Can contact outside servers

Checking for SimpleXML module...
[OK] SimpleXML module exists!

Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files
[Error] /lib/js/jquery.form.js doesn't exist

-- Checked 180 files, found 1 errors

  • Moderators


Is this normal on the optimize tables, i have a few showing this,

EasyTestingVA.phpvms_schedules - Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead

I have this on a few tables.

  • Administrators


Is this normal on the optimize tables, i have a few showing this,

EasyTestingVA.phpvms_schedules - Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead

I have this on a few tables.

Yup, it's normal

  • Administrators


I like the new admin style :)

Hows the new PIREP layout? And the schedules? I just fixed the schedules search so it's working fully. I like it


Hi Nabeel,

I have noticed this for awhile now and see that the bug is still there in this beta. From the "Pilot Center" to "View VA Finances" on the graph the total revenue line is actually the "Net Profit" as I see it. Worth a look I may be wrong.



  • Moderators

Hows the new PIREP layout? And the schedules? I just fixed the schedules search so it's working fully. I like it

Schedule search is much more detailed, very good :)

Just looked at the pireps, Love it :) much clearer and structured. Great revamp Nabeel.


getting this error above the finances bargraph...The finances aren't detailed like they were before, showing all expenses..

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home1/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/lib/skins/kesuk/finance_balancesheet.tpl on line 60


Hi Nabeel excelent work in Admin Panel, i have one problem with "Flight Schedules and Route" when "view route" is selected, the map and route do not appear just titles "Route Map" and below "Route".



Hi Nabeel excelent work in Admin Panel, i have one problem with "Flight Schedules and Route" when "view route" is selected, the map and route do not appear just titles "Route Map" and below "Route".


I was just gonna post on this....yeah blank page with just those titles..

  • Moderators

Hi Nabeel,

I have noticed this for awhile now and see that the bug is still there in this beta. From the "Pilot Center" to "View VA Finances" on the graph the total revenue line is actually the "Net Profit" as I see it. Worth a look I may be wrong.



Yes Mark you are correct, depicted is the Nett Profit, if you look at the differences between the total revenue and the other costs it would be difficult to visually map on the graph because of the massive difference in the scale, maybe just a simple change of text from Total Revenue to Nett Profit would do the trick :)


Hey there

Maybe i´m wrong but could it be that there´s a probleme with the maincontroller.class.php? When i´m trying to read my news, the following error appears

Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'News::index' was given in /homepages/28/d83029194/htdocs/------------/MainController.class.php on line 292

  • Administrators

Hey there

Maybe i´m wrong but could it be that there´s a probleme with the maincontroller.class.php? When i´m trying to read my news, the following error appears

Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'News::index' was given in /homepages/28/d83029194/htdocs/------------/MainController.class.php on line 292

What's the URL you're going to? There's no index() function in news

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