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PHPVMS ACARS "License cannot be found" error for all users


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We have been using PHPVMS ACARS successfully for months at https://airline.virtualflight.online  - but today the ACARS clients have started throwing "License cannot be found" errors on launch.


The ACARS log says the following:


05-16 18:37:52|ERROR; Error loading license: Invalid license
05-16 18:37:52|ERROR; No license found, url=https://airline.virtualflight.online
05-16 18:37:52|ERROR; Startup Error: License could not be found, please contact your admin
AcarsLib.Errors.LoadingError: License could not be found, please contact your admin
   at Acars.Services.AppService.LoadAirlineConfig(Profile profile)
   at Acars.Services.AppService.ApplicationStartup()
   at Acars.Views.SplashWindow.Bootstrap() acars Void MoveNext()
05-16 18:37:53|INFO; MessageBox, message=Loading error: License could not be found, please contact your admin, see logs for more details

Nothing has changed in the airline, or the client software. I've checked the license key at vmshost.io - it's correctly entered into the installation of phpvms.


The only thing I can see is that the license has the domains virtualflight.online and www.virtualflight.online - but NOT airline.virtualflight.online - and there is no way for us to change that (not sure if this is a change recently that takes the subdomain into account?


Is this a failure at your end ?

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