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Search pilots by Ids,Name


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Hi there i just want to know how we can make search form to search pilots by IDS or Names or possibly both.

can anybody tell me the code i also wanted to implement it on by other website not associated with PHPVMS.

Thanks in Advance

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:( OH i thought maybe someone could know it already as many experts are here in this forum Like, Nabeel who developed this whole thing and simpilot, Mark and many more they knows coding stuff that's why i posted again Please Help.

By this time i should get the answer? :(

Please reply if anyone Knows about it...

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First off, where on your site are you wanting it to be displayed (what page)?

Second, how are you wanting it to search (are you wanting it to show the pilots' pilot_public_profile.tpl page once you click search)?

Try to explain in as much detail so we can try to understand exactly what you are needing.

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Jeff Hi i wanted to make new page for search Pilot Details.

For example: i have 400 pilots in my VA and i wanted to search pilots Details like Ids,Last Name,Email or Password etc etc so for that reason i wanted to make search form to search pilot details easily.

Hope you get it now

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Guys For your reference i got this code from admins change pilot ID.tpl file

<p><b>NOTE:</b> Be VERY cautioned when changing a pilot ID. Even though this is 'controlled', problems can still occur. If you change the pilot ID to a number which is HIGHER than the highest pilot ID, all new registered pilots will have an ID starting after that. This WILL change their login ID. <b>This user cannot be logged in while doing the change.</b></p>
<p>The PILOT ID is shown in the following format below:<br />
You must enter a new DATABASE_ID. The formatted pilow ID is based on the database ID and the offset. Your current offset is <strong><?php echo Config::Get('PILOTID_OFFSET');?></strong>.</p>
<p>For example, you want the pilot ID to be VMS<?php echo Config::Get('PILOTID_OFFSET') + 200;?> - for the new ID you would enter: <?php echo 200 - intval(Config::Get('PILOTID_OFFSET'));?>. If your offset is 1000 (meaning all pilot IDs start from 1000), to have a pilot ID of 1030 you would change the DB ID to 30 (that's what you would enter below).
<strong>ID Calculator:</strong> Enter the intended pilot ID: <input type="text" value="" onKeyUp="showid(this.value);" /><br />
<span id="enterid"></span>
<form action="" method="post">
<b>Select Pilot:</b><br />
<select name="old_pilotid">
<option value="0">Select a Pilot</option>
foreach($allpilots as $pilot)
		if($_POST['old_pilotid'] === $pilot->id)
			$selected = 'selected';
			$selected = '';

	echo "<option value=\"{$pilot->pilotid}\" {$selected}>";
	echo PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid);
	echo ' - ' .$pilot->pilotid.' - '. $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname;
	echo '</option>';		
<br /><br />
<b>Enter new ID - ONLY NUMERIC:</b><br />
<input type="text" name="new_pilotid" value="" />
<br />
<p><b>Are you sure?</b></p>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Confirm Change ID" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var OFFSET = <?php echo Config::Get('PILOTID_OFFSET')?>;
function showid(value)
value = parseInt(value);
if(value < OFFSET)
	$("#enterid").html("The displayed pilot ID cannot be less than your offset");

id = value - OFFSET;
$("#enterid").html("Enter \""+id+"\" in the field below (without quotes!)");

this code shows all pilots list and changes the pilot ID i need bit a same code but after selection of pilot i want to see whole pilots Info.

Maybe this would help

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