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White site Agin [SOLVED]


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Ok fellas. I REALLY need help. I got in to my local config file and set auto activate pilot s to true..... Not hard at all and then I saved. Done deal. Went back to my site, and now all I get are white pages. This is the second time this has happened to me when I edited the local config file. I uploaded a backup file and it did not fix it. Every single page on the website is all white. Nothing more, nothing less.

Any ideas?

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Well, I don't think I have a white space. The site has been fine for months now. All I did was went in to local_config.php and changed false to true for auto accept pilots and then saved it.

ANd nothing is being written to my log files or anything.

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Last time this happened, I had to upload a backup of the site to get it to work again. Since the only file I edited was the local_config file, I re uploaded it yet again and still nothing. I'm about ready to call it quits. If it isn't one thing it is another. lol

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Well, I normally always use Dreamweaver MX2004 BUT this time I was in cPanel and decided to edit it real quick while I was there. Lesson learned. I never put the problem together until it happened this time. Both times this happened to me I used cpanel to edit the file. Never again! I just had to rebuild my entire config file.

Thanks for taking the time to try and lend me a hand guys. I appreciate it.

So a big WARNING WARNING WARNING to all reading this, do NOT I repeat do NOT use Cpanel to edit config files for your site.


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Get WinSCP, it's an FTP browser, and you can make edits through that (it has a built in editor), or you can have it use an external editor and it will automatically handle uploading the file on save

That's the safest way

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