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Good day all, little problem I could do with some help with..

My pilots are reporting incorrect number of flights shown in their profiles. Sure enough in the administration panel of phpVMS, they are shown incorrectly too, but the PIREP records ARE there. For example, a pilot named John has flown well over 30 flights for the VA, and the PIREP records are shown as his in the administration panel, but his "Total PIREPs" are only 8.. The total PIREPs do not change either, no matter how many he flies.

Has anyone come across this issue before?


what version are you on and could you run the checkdb plz

Output of checkdb.php

Checking phpvms_acarsdata...OK

Checking phpvms_adminlog...OK

Checking phpvms_aircraft...OK

Checking phpvms_airlines...OK

Checking phpvms_airports...OK

Checking phpvms_awards...OK

Checking phpvms_awardsgranted...OK

Checking phpvms_bids...OK

Checking phpvms_customfields...OK

Checking phpvms_downloads...OK

Checking phpvms_expenselog...OK

Checking phpvms_expenses...OK

Checking phpvms_fieldvalues...OK

Checking phpvms_financedata...OK

Checking phpvms_fuelprices...OK

Checking phpvms_groupmembers...OK

Checking phpvms_groups...OK

Checking phpvms_navdata...OK

Checking phpvms_news...OK

Checking phpvms_pages...OK

Checking phpvms_pilots...OK

Checking phpvms_pirepcomments...OK

Checking phpvms_pirepfields...OK

Checking phpvms_pireps...OK

Checking phpvms_pirepvalues...OK

Checking phpvms_ranks...OK

Checking phpvms_schedules...OK

Checking phpvms_sessions...OK

Checking phpvms_settings...OK

Checking phpvms_updates...OK

Running 2.1.934


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An update with more accurate information, the "Flights" by each pilot are the issue here, not the PIREPs. John only has 8 flights against his name, and 30 PIREPs..

Can you find one of the PIREPs which he is supposed to have, and then see what the pilotid is on that record in phpMyAdmin or whatever you use to browse your database?

Also, are they ACARS flights? If so, which ACARS program

And only one pilot? Or all your pilots?


Can you find one of the PIREPs which he is supposed to have, and then see what the pilotid is on that record in phpMyAdmin or whatever you use to browse your database?

Also, are they ACARS flights? If so, which ACARS program

And only one pilot? Or all your pilots?

The pilotid value does correspond to the flights done in phpMyAdmin, so the PIREP is associated with the correct pilot, it's just that "Flights" value in their profile that is effected. For example, John (pilotid=2) has flown 16 PIREPs according to the database in phpMyAdmin, but "Flights" in phpVMS only amount to 8. They are ACARs flights, with kACARs, and this effects all my pilots.

url to the site so i can take a peak


The pilot I have been referring to isn't called "John"; I substituted his name for privacy reasons. If you'd like his name and details on the site please PM me and I will see what I can do.

Thankyou both!


whats the code u are using to get the flights in the pilot profile main

I'm using the code that comes with the standard phpVMS install, I haven't changed it. :)

This is a screenshot from the VMS, with the pilots name taken out. You can see that the "Total Flights" number does not correspond to his PIREP number, even after resetting the PIREP count in the administration panel.


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