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Everyone at AAvirtual.net would like to thank the PHPvms community, and especially all of the admins including Simpilot and Nabeel for all of their help and development throughout the years.

AAvirtual has paid and now received a fully custom website system that has pros and cons from PHPvms. You can view our new website at AAvirtual.net.

AAvirtual was here on PHPvms about two years ago in the days before VAcentral and all other Virtual Airline websites, and it truly has been an honor being part of the community.

Thanks for the support over the years,


CEO | Founder of AAvirtual.net


Just a couple of tips:

index.php?content= links aren't particularly search engine friendly... if you want people to find you, you're going to want to do something about that.

Also, your dropdown doesn't show above the map.


Where is the link back to the real world AA? The design doesn't look complete without a footer. When you click on contact, there is an image that is supposed to be on the top right hand corner, that is broken.


Ada, a couple constructive advice for you that you might want to fix up. The z-index will fix the map, as said above. The entrance exam has a couple oddities:

1. It doesn't tell you what it is examining you against and you can't apply until you've passed it. For realism, you'd at least expect a link to an SOP manual for some of those questions (2,3,5,9,10).

2. You can apply without passing the entrance exam, so I'd suggest keeping it hidden until a member is approved, or hiding the apply link until a member has passed the exam (but how can you prove that person passed if they're not logged in?)

3. Why do you care whether potential members know who your CEO and FOD are? That alone would make me not want to join.

4. Transition altitude is not FL180, it is 18,000' MSL. Transition Level is also not FL180: it can be anywhere from FL175 to FL200 depending on the air pressure.

5. Your stats page has an incorrect math function, as the worst landing rate is better than your average (maybe the code has them backwards?):

Worst Landing Rate --111.5 ft/min
Average Landing Rate-551.696428571 ft/min
Best Landing Rate19.2 ft/min

You also might want to use PHP round(-551.694428571, 2); for that longer unrounded number, to get it back down to two decimals.

6. The forum needs a skin that makes it look like the website to round of your professional look. As you're using MyBB, that will be very simple as MyBB is amazing software. Take a look at these free themes: 1, 2, 3 that might suit your style.

7. Finally, and most importantly, lock your folder view down. I gained access to your backend by a couple URL hacks which I won't publish for security. And, turn your PHP error reporting down. It reported part of your database details in an error while I was "browsing."

Again, please consider all this constructive advice, not criticism, your new website is very nice. I'd use mod_rewrite on the URLs to mask and beautify it, but it's looking good my friend.


Thanks for all the feedback guys, we will def be working on those, the new system we have is still a bit sketchy but you know how it is :rolleyes: , so far the exams were all just made in 5-10 minutes so dont worry about those, most of the exams are "Select 1 to pass" etc, until we can get the wiki up on where pilots will be able to view all the information. As for the folders, I have looked in to it and have found myself unable to lock them through Cpanel as it locks out pictures from being accessed, etc... Any advice on how I might be able to lock them?


You need to create a .htaccess file and add:

[i]IndexIgnore *[/i]

This site has some great info on what htaccess can do for you, including preventing people stealing your bandwidth by disabling hotlinking of images; banning IP addresses; setting the server's timezone; and much more. Most likely you will have one already, by default it is a hidden file in linux which you can tell because it starts with a dot and doesn't have a file extension, .htaccess.


If you need any more help setting it up, let us know. Disabling directory listing helps stop potential hackers gain entry by reducing the things they find and therefore forcing them to either get lucky, or have more skill to get into things. The easier you make it, the more chance you'll get young idiots trying to mess around inside your site. So on that note, also be sure to make regular backups!

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