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Message added by Kyle

WARNING: This module is no longer supported from the developer as the developer is shifting their focus on phpVMS v4 Addons.

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I have it installed, but it is not showing the greased landings, and it is not showing all the pilots who have flown this month. Click here to see.

Mr. Bean, what day is it? July 1st! :D that's why it's based on by month, and you probably didn't have any PIREPS sent yet for July.


Hiya Kyle,

With me the greased landings also not working, and also the hours are not looking good.

See picture





Whoops, my mistake there has been more then 3 pireps all by the same pilot, but the other problem is there. The greased landings have not been taken no matter which month I select.

  • Moderators

Both of you...

Do any of your current month PIREPs have landing rates? Becasue the query skips out all landing rates with a 0.


The greased landings is still not working. The SQL Query is still not looking for it.

$query = "SELECT p.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.submitdate) as submitdate,
			  UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.modifieddate) as modifieddate,
      		   u.pilotid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.rank,
                 a.id AS aircraftid, a.name as aircraft, a.registration,
                 dep.name as depname, dep.lat AS deplat, dep.lng AS deplng,
                 arr.name as arrname, arr.lat AS arrlat, arr.lng AS arrlng                        
                 FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pireps p
                 LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "aircraft a ON a.id = p.aircraft
                 LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "airports AS dep ON dep.icao = p.depicao
                 LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "airports AS arr ON arr.icao = p.arricao
                 LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pilots u ON u.pilotid = p.pilotid
                 WHERE MONTH(submitdate) = {$month} AND YEAR(submitdate) = {$year} AND p.landingrate != 0 AND p.accepted = 1 AND u.retired = 0
                 ORDER BY p.landingrate DESC
                 LIMIT 5";

See the p.landingrate, it is only in the order by and where, it has not been instructed to look for it anywhere else.

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Grrr... :lol:

I'll have to have a look at it again, and yes, it's being instructed to look at the landing rate, maybe not..., but I'll take a look. Maybe I have to rewritte it...

thanks for letting me know guys, also while I'm looking for the problem, can you go back to different previous months and see if something is showing up.


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I still can't find the issue... I downloaded the module from my Github, and I installed on my VA, I do get the greased landing rates.

I'm not sure what's the issue on your end guys. My suggestion is to try reinstalling the module and let me know if it not works.

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Check your url...


That's the issue here.


The latest one.. 2.1.934

MMm thats what I use. I will try to have a look at it this weekend. I have some time because girlfriend has to

work :D



Posted (edited)

Hi Kyle,

the landing rate is not working for now. i see nothing.


michael Kraan


And i see a other problem,

when you refresh the page than is the date, first month of your airliner. and not a month from now.

is it possible? the current month is on top? (select month)

Edited by michael Kraan
  • Moderators

MMm thats what I use. I will try to have a look at it this weekend. I have some time because girlfriend has to

work :D



Not a problem! But I think it might be the Stable and Beta issue, I'll have to have a look.

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I FOUND THE ISSUE! Hold on, let me get the updated one on Github.

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Build Released!

Download Here

View Changes Here


It should work now for you guys! There was a new colum added in the beta, so I had to remove the new colum in the query to make it work!


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