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Hi again,

I'm skinning my page and learning something new about it everyday. I guess I got promoted from "noob" to "a little less noob" :P

I noticed a string "" on the left-top corner of the page background. It's present even on the default skin, so I guess I made mistake somewhere in "core" folder.

Can anyone have an idea where should I look for it?

That's the page: http://alpapolishvirtual.cba.pl/index.php/

Thanks in advance.


Basically, you get this because it is what we call a BOM. Acronym for Byte Order Mark. You have probably tried to enter Polish characters, and as far as I'm aware (not too sure?) phpVMS isn't set to UTF-8 ISO-8859-1 unicode standard by default (or it doesn't support it? Jesus, I'm on a roll here...), and the system interprets it as that. Therefore, according to the Byte Order Mark table, you get the little string to inform you that it doesn't like these characters. If you're using an editor, you have to tell it to not use BOMs or use a different editor to stripe them out.

Additionally, there is a good bit of information in regards to phpVMS on the forums and in the documentation, to develop your knowledge on it sufficiently to be able to produce a website with all the things you require or desire, so you can promote yourself even higher :P

  • 3 years later...

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