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Where would it be pulling data from? The schedules times or the bids placed.

If its the schedules, then you check first for all schedules from today's day, then you find the ones with the closest time and limit it to first X schedules.


here's the query I use:

$utc_now_str = gmdate("H:i");

$query= "SELECT ".TABLE_PREFIX."schedules.id, deptime, arrtime, code, flightnum, arricao, ".TABLE_PREFIX."airports.name destination, depicao, aircraft, ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft.icao equipment, bidid,

round( time_to_sec( timediff( time( str_to_date( deptime, '%H:%i' ) ) ,'".$utc_now_str."' ) ) /60, 0 ) timediff

FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."schedules, ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft, ".TABLE_PREFIX."airports

WHERE code = 'EUR'

AND locate(dayofweek(convert_tz(now(),'+1:00','+0:00'))-1,".TABLE_PREFIX."schedules.daysofweek)>0

AND ".TABLE_PREFIX."schedules.arricao = ".TABLE_PREFIX."airports.icao

AND ".TABLE_PREFIX."schedules.aircraft = ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft.id

AND round( time_to_sec( timediff( time( str_to_date( deptime, '%H:%i' ) ) , '".$utc_now_str."' ) ) /60, 0 ) <60

AND round( time_to_sec( timediff( time( str_to_date( deptime, '%H:%i' ) ) , '".$utc_now_str."' ) ) /60, 0 ) > -15

ORDER BY timediff limit 12";

The timetable is on the frontpage of my VA.


That's a nice board mischka :D Thanks for your reply :P

However, I am struggling to put your query into a table, how can I achieve this? I'm slightly bedazzled by this, and I was wondering whether foreach would be the way to do this? I have changed the table prefix into phpVMS_


Hey highflyer,

yes, you would use foreach, just like you would on any other "recordset". I posted the query assuming you'd know how to implement it in the code :)

the table_prefix variable should be already set in the config.php so you didn't have to change it.

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Hey highflyer,

yes, you would use foreach, just like you would on any other "recordset". I posted the query assuming you'd know how to implement it in the code :)

the table_prefix variable should be already set in the config.php so you didn't have to change it.

Sorry for being a pain in the backside, but I am having trouble implementing the query in. I've wrote a foreach statement, but it's probably wrong and embarrasing, hence it's showing a Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(). Do you have any example of how I'd implement it or maybe which variables I should use for the foreach statement?

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Hey highflyer,

yes, you would use foreach, just like you would on any other "recordset". I posted the query assuming you'd know how to implement it in the code :)

the table_prefix variable should be already set in the config.php so you didn't have to change it.

Nice. :) You could also set it up for your pilots to bid on the flights right there instead of going through schedule search but of course if they're logged in. :D

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Nothing's hard to do in my opinion. There is always a solution to the task one intend to do. ;)

I suppose, I'm just a newbie to PHP and henceforth queries and statements like foreach are still beyond me. To put it bluntly, I haven't done much so far to develop that knowledge :)


@parkho: Well, normally if you click on the flight number on my departure board you get to the flight info page, where logged-in pilots can place a bid :)

I suppose, I'm just a newbie to PHP and henceforth queries and statements like foreach are still beyond me. To put it bluntly, I haven't done much so far to develop that knowledge :)

that's ok... I never did anything with PHP before I started working on phpvms. I kinda learned php because phpvms is written in it and now, 6 months later, my phpvms is very different from the stock phpvms :)

Once I get my VA search engine working, I'll start publishing some of the "add-ons" I made for PHPvms, but until then I think you'll have to crawl the web and learn php yourself :)

or you may try this: http://www.utr-onlin...ware.asp?page=7

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