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Question regarding an idea I have [solved]

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I would like to know, what code would I need to get the percentage of flights done with each recording tool, like kacars,fspax,xacars and manual. The out come would be something like:

80% mACARS


60% fspax

30% manual

Those figures are not accurate in the slightest, just used them to illustrate my point. I do not want this to look at just the current months pirep count, but the entire pirep count for the VA


Depends on what you want to do with it... just a list?

If its a one-off you can just go to your phpmyadmin and enter the following query:

SELECT source, count(*) as amount, (count(*)/(select count(*) from `phpvms_pireps`)) *100 as percentage FROM `phpvms_pireps` group by source

that'll give you a list of amounts and percentages for each "method" of filing a pirep, including manual ones.

if you only want acars you'd just have to add --- where source<>"manual" --- or something

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