Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
I have an account at Flyawaysimulation. As part of an ongoing thing of mine, I continue to update my post: I've added and removed things as they have come and gone. I hope that Phpvms becomes something great.
Last reply by RogerB, -
Nabeel I have to appauld you on 2 fronts. First for making a wonderful product that has gone beyond what most would consider to be typical. Secondly, because of the first, you are bringing together some of the flight simulation community to actually help each other. Congrats Nabeel.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
If you have modified (skinning) phpvms on your site, post a link. I just want to see what people have done to their sites. (Brainstorming in the process...)
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 5 replies
Is it possible to have a "new topics since you last visted" button like phpbb and every other forum ive used does? Maybe its the skin your using but for me it makes navigating new posts slower as i have to read more to find what i want lol. Dave
Last reply by Nabeel, -
by Nabeel- 3 replies
What kind of data is useful?
Last reply by Leiserson, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi could we have some kind of intergration of vataware in to the system. Look there you can email someone about using vataware scripts. Thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Looked about and checked my email, could find any real news about this. I liked the phpbb better than SMF, my opinion. Just like to say loving VMS sooooo much that as soon as i have it working good for my VA i will start donating once a month, your work is worth every penny Nabeel!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys. I'm looking for a designer to help me integrate phpvms into my website template. If you have msn feel free to add me, my email address is
Last reply by AJM101, -
I wanted to suggest a pilot pay module, I think this would be a popular add on or module. It would be nice to assign pay by rank. What do you think??
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Hello,I would like to introduce pink virtual, the first virtual airline ever to support a cause. Pink virtual, supporting breast cancer, is expected to launch in late October possibly into early or middle November. That date is to be officially determined in the next few days. Pink virtual's CEO, Jordan Delaney, announced that they have ordered 25 Boeing 757-200's. He also stated this afternoon, "Pink virtual is the first virtual airline ever to support a cause. Now, we need your help, these positions are open and need to be filled as soon as possible by any qualified applicant. (1) Vice Chief Executive Officer, (2) Bidding system coder, (3) and Human Resources Director. …
Last reply by Pink VA, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone,I am CEO/Founder of the Virtual Airline "FlyZen". We are currentlyusing the PHPVMS system and are loving the simplicity of it aswellas the usability and the customization as far is the system goes. But myself and others among my staff agree that it cold use a little cutomization per airline , so we are creating PHPVMS[DEFINITIVE], a completley new project built of of the PHPVMS system. it will still have relativley the same feel as the project and will only mod a few key aspects of the system such as--A message center allowing for Administration and members to communicate between eac other wiht ease-A very different aproach to FSACARS will be added, using c…
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 1 reply
Is there away for us to display fixes and VOR's in our mapts like VATAware does??
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
I was looking into a way to for us to be able to change a pilot's rank manually in the admin panel. can you stear me in the right direction?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
Hiim starting a new virtual airline. I worked with some previous virtual airline which used asp, and I have only some experience with php. If anyone is interested in helping me please leave your details here and i will contact you. Look forward to working with you!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Hello Everyone,After much discussion and overview of this fantastic project I will make it public that Northeast officially announces the use of PHPVMS. We will pick it up on its scheduled release date of August 9, 2008, and plan to have systems up and running by January due to a hectic schedule for the administration. I would like to say personally to Nabeel, Thank you fro working very hard on this project and making it free and open source to develop on. I will personally see to it that PHPVMS will be the one and only true VA system...Thank you,NEVA
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
I'm finishing up the import, but I'm trying to decide on something;Can you guys make a plain page, with this: <?php $reader = simplexml_load_file('');print_r($reader); ?> Just paste in what it says, I'm just seeing if the extension is enabled on your servers (it's supposed to be by default)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
Hi,I've tested the latest build, and I have following remarks/problems:ADMIN CENTER- add airlines -> options: no entries show up in the box- add schedules: lay-out is still not clear at my pc- add flight schedules: an extra notes field should be handy. Customizable fields as the pirep fields even more!- add flight schedules: distance calculator could be handy, this site is easy and appropriate for it: (Where the icao codes in bold should every time be changed by the system, just a button next to th…
Last reply by eurobelgian, -
- 1 reply
Hi Nabeel,I wanted to install the newest build, but at the (nice) installation process, I got this: But I can't find that folder???!A little help please...Anthony
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Another build tonight, download it from here * PIREP fields can have different types (text, textarea, dropdown) * Added separate schedule detail page * Replaced Google Charts with JS based charting * Moved pilot stats * Bunch of bug fixes (too many to remember...)Also, another query to run: ALTER TABLE `phpvms_pirepfields` ADD `type` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL , ADD `options` TEXT NOT NULL ;
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 8 replies
HiWhen can we aspect a new update (or maybe already the definitive version) of phpvms? Anthony
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Will this program be able to track what the pilot did in the flight... kinda like ACARS, that will know exactly what the landing speed was, the touchdown zone, the info of the know like ACARS
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
Whenever you call <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> on any pages, it pulls the list of recent Pilots however immediately above it there is "test" displayed.So this is what it outputs for me.testBLU1004 Quinn RognessBLU1003 Tyler HartmannBLU1002 Leonard JungckBLU1001 Vince NovakThis can be seen on most pages at
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
Hi,I would like to request some extra features for the crewsystem. Feel free to consider them.*To possibility to to add weekdays to the flight schedule. Not all flights of the va's timetable are operated daily!*Some standard scripts/addons for VAs to integrate phpVMS into there own website, like: a flight search script (like a booking engine), a login script (so pilots can login to the phpvms systems from the va's homepage), a pilot roster script, a departing flights script (which gives you e.g. the first 10 flights that will depart from your main hub ), ...*A mailing list, to send notams directly to all pilots mailboxLast, Currently the system doesn't work properly with…
Last reply by eurobelgian, -
- 1 reply
I'd like the ability to directly control what users see when they first come to the site. Have some introduction text, images, and the like.Currently it just seems to show some statistics and its not a fantastic first impression especially for new users.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Several friends and I are starting a new VA. We have flying for so many years and have seen the best and worst programs used for their management. We are hoping you can provide the best foundation from which to grow.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
hi, when is this available?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
My name is Vince Novak and i'm CEO of a VA called Cerulean Airlines. would be very interested in helping to test this application when you are ready to do so.Thank YouVince NovakCEO Cerulean
Last reply by Nabeel,